Books Published by Faculty Members









本美國瑪利諾修女自1921年到香港傳揚天主教,並為香港基層市民提供社會福利、教育、醫療等服務。她們的足跡是香港社會的滄桑記錄,也是一篇無私奉獻的愛的故事。本書在2004年先出版英文版,現由作者親自翻譯成中文,以饗華文讀者。作者引用了瑪利諾修會及天主教香港教區的文獻和瑪利諾修女的日記,並訪問了一些修女;在美國瑪利諾傳教檔案處許可下,本書收錄了數十張珍貴的歷史照片,反映香港社會發展史的一面,是香港研究的一個補白,中文同類出版物少見。 另外,此書又提及日治時期的香港生活,柴灣、黃大仙、觀塘等社區在1950、1960年代的建立,香港早期的徙置大廈、醫療及社會服務等,都是香港人的深刻經歷,既具歷史資料價值,也充滿懷舊情感。




Wong Man Kong, For the Future: Sir Edward Youde and Educational Changes in Hong Kong

 (Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publications Limited) 2007, 225pp.

The subtlety of the phrase, "for the future", in the context of the making of the Sino-British Joint Declaration is obvious. As is well known, Sir Edward Youde committed his mind and heart to tackle the almost impossible task of assisting the negotiations between China and Britain over the future of Hong Kong. But not much has been written about another focus of Sir Edward's leadership in Hong Kong: the preparations directly targeting a better future through the development of education.
The major focus of the present book is to highlight the work which Sir Edward Youde, the 26th Governor of Hong Kong (1982-1986), devoted to the development of education in Hong Kong during his term of office. This book gives an overall picture of the development of primary and secondary education while paying specific attention to three major issues, namely: access to education, Chinese language and English language standards, and the nature of curriculum changes. Moreover, it will discuss how and why technical education underwent significant growth. The heavier portion of the book is to take into account multi-dimensional expansions in the higher education sector, including the quantitative and qualitative growth in institutes of higher learning, old and new. The book also records the outpouring of grief at his premature passing in Beijing in December 1986. It then discusses the lead given by Lady Youde and the Government in establishing an education fund in his memory, followed by a general account of the Fund and its achievements. Finally, the book concludes with a general assessment of his involvement in education in the context of Hong Kong's educational history as a whole, using two key concepts, "education in politics" and "politics in education."

Cindy Yik-yi Chu, The Diaries of the Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, 1921-1966 

(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 241pp.

Composed of previously unpublished material, The Diaries of the Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, 1921-1966 is a documentary survey of Hong Kong history. From the perspective of the Maryknoll Sisters, as recorded in their diaries written from the 1920s to the mid-1960s, it is a priceless collection of the first-hand materials on Hong Kong. The readers are tracking these women: every place they went, everyone they met, and so on. This book should attract the attention of anyone interested in cross-cultural relations and foreign adventures. It is of tremendous value to students, teachers, and researchers who are look for primary sources for topics on Asian studies, mission history, and women's history.





香港:香港歷史博物館,2006 年
