Books Published by Faculty Members

Jatinder MANN (Ed.), Citizenship in Transnational Perspective Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

(Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) 322 Pages.

ISBN: 9783319535289.

This edited collection explores citizenship in a transnational perspective, with a focus on Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and offers historical, legal, political, and sociological perspectives. The two overarching themes of the book are ethnicity and Indigeneity. The contributions in the collection come from widely respected international scholars who approach the subject of citizenship from a range of perspectives: some arguing for a post-citizenship world, others questioning the very concept itself, or its application to Indigenous nations.

Cindy Yik-yi CHU (Ed.), Foreign Missionaries and the Indigenization of the Chinese Catholic Church. 

(Hong Kong: Centre for Catholic Studies, CUHK, 2017). 177 pages. ISBN: 9789881403742.

This is a collection of essays on the Catholic Church in modern and contemporary China. It aims to show how the indigenization of the Chinese Catholic Church took place from different perspectives.

Foreign Catholic missionaries came to evangelize in China. At same time, the Roman Catholic Church encouraged foreign missionaries to build local churches and to cultivate well-educated local priests to shoulder important tasks. The popes talked about the equal status between foreign and Chinese priests.

Bettina DIETZ (ed.), Das System der Natur: Die kollaborative Wissenskultur der Botanik im 18. Jahrhundert (The system of nature. The collaborative knowledge culture of eighteenth-century botany).

(Böhlau: Cologne / Vienna 2017).

ISBN: 9783412507398.

This book investigates the participatory architecture of eighteenth-century botany and, as a consequence, its collaborative publication system and form of authorship. Due to the ever increasing and potentially infinite need for information of Linnaean botany, authors – Linnaeus himself but others as well - had to rely on aggregating information from a large number of contributors and readers in order to continuously complete and correct their works. Botany’s iterative publication mode relied on the principle of publishing early and often. As a result, books were co-produced in the framework of a collaborative publication system that shaped the botanical author as a ‘composite’.












Chi-man KWONG (ed), War and Geopolitics in Interwar Manchuria: Zhang Zuolin Clique during the Northern Expedition.

(Leiden: Brill, 2017). 327 pages.

Using primary and secondary sources from China, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, this work revisits the wars during the period from international, political, military, and economic-financial perspectives. It sheds new light on Zhang Zuolin’s decision to fight against the Nationalists and the Communists and offers an alternative explanation to the Nationalists (temporary) victory by revealing the central importance of geopolitics in the civil wars in China during the interwar period.






K.K. Mark’s bronze mirrors range in date from the Warring States period to the Ming and Qing periods, and the majority of them date from the Song to the Qing. There are numerous challenges in the study of transmitted bronze mirrors, which have been collected either by individuals or by public or private institutes in China or elsewhere. Recently, archaeologically excavated bronzes have attracted much attention; on the other hand, new directions for research breakthroughs on transmitted bronzes are still being explored. Scholars interested in the study of Chinese ritual and music have ignored bronze mirrors because transmitted texts have not described mirrors as material symbols of the elite of Chinese civilizations. Bronzes of the Song-to-Qing period have been seen as representative of a period
of comprehensive decline. Thus, scholars have expressed little interest in studying these mirrors. Moreover, due to the flat and almost two-dimensional (2-D) structure of the mirrors, the manufacturing technologies of mirrors have been deemed simple and coarse. Breakthroughs in mirror studies await future discoveries. The collection of mirrors donated by K.K. Mark provides us with ample research materials. Study of this collection allows us to explore many aspects of the mirror industry and, specifically, issues concerning the design and production of the mirrors. By researching the collection, we can investigate the history of material cultures over this long period. In this essay, I would like to: 1, reference the study of object-based design and production techniques to explore potential future avenues of research for transmitted Chinese bronzes; 2, re-examine mirrors produced in a time of so-called “comprehensive decline” and explore their sophistication, rather than describe them as “degraded products of inferior quality”; and 3, investigate the manufacturing techniques of the Mark’s mirrors through multiple perspectives, instead of considering them as “simple and coarse.” By doing so, I will perhaps reveal a larger world reflected in these small mirrors.
