Books Published by Faculty Members


Clara Wing-chung Ho, Oiyan Liu, Thomas Marling, Ka-lai Chan, et al. (eds.), Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the Maritime Silk Road 

(Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History and Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, 2018), 252 pages

This volume is compiled from papers presented at “To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the Maritime Silk Road,” which was held at the Hong Kong Museum of History in December 2016. Financially supported by the Hong Kong Museum of History, the conference was jointly organised by the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Museum of History, the Guangdong Museum and the Macao Museum. During the two days of the conference, a total of 23 academic papers were presented. Presenters, panel chairs, and discussants include 19 international experts hailing from Europe, North America, Australia, and across Asia, as well as 14 scholars from nine local institutions in Hong Kong.

吳思源、李金強合編:《主恩永偕——香港華人基督教聯會百年史 (1915-2015)》







Clara Wing-chung Ho, Ricardo K.S. Mak, Yue-him Tam (eds.), Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime Silk Road: On China's Global Historical Role 

(Berlin & Boston: DeGruyter, 2018), 261 pages

This multi-authored volume resulted from an international conference focusing on topics related to our understanding of the role of China in the global history. Apart from introductory chapters exploring methodological issues and contextualizing China’s historical role in the world, this volume also includes rich discussions on the following themes from the ancient period to the twentieth century: organized water transport, cultural interactions, navigators, port cities, smuggling activities, customs service, foreign relations, migration, and diasporas. Written by scholars from different generations who are based in diverse regions including Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK and the US, the chapters in this volume either address old questions from new perspectives, or foreground new topics that were largely ignored in previous scholarship. Some suggest possible future research directions. This thought-provoking volume will be beneficial to readers who are interested in rethinking China’s position on the global historical stage against the backdrop of post-Orientalism.



1868年的明治維新使日本成功走上近代化之路,之後的一百五十年,日本發生了多番變化。這一百五十年,又分為幾個不同的分期—明治時代(1868—1912年)、大正時代(1912—1926年)、以第二次世界大戰為分水嶺的昭和前期(1928—1945年)及昭和後期(1945—1989年)及平成時代(1989—現在)。前三者是日本的近代史,後兩者是日本的現代史。 周佳榮教授常年致力於日本研究,本書圍繞著近現代日本的歷史和文化而作論述,並按內容編為四輯:「政治和社會發展」、「經濟和對外關係」、「出版與文化活動」、「科技與學術前沿」。反映了作者對日本歷史文化的理解和基本看法,予以讀者具啟發性的參考。

Yip Ka-che, Wong Man Kong, and Leung Yuen Sang (eds.), A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong

(Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press), 433 pages

The publication of this book marks the fifteenth anniversary of the outbreak of SARS epidemic in Hong Kong in 2003. This documentary study, originating as a research project a year after the epidemic, is a comprehensive attempt to examine the development of public health in Hong Kong from 1841 to the early 1990s. It covers the periods of prewar colonial rule, Japanese occupation, postwar reconstruction and growth, and the beginning of decolonisation. It analyses political, social, economic, and cultural factors, including the intersection of colonial priorities and indigenous agency and practices that affected disease outbreaks and development, government and local responses, advances in technology related to health and medicine, as well as the emergence of health agencies and institutions. The historical documents, selected from government archives, personal papers, and special collections, are invaluable source materials for the critical evaluation of such developments. The book provides a much needed and indispensable historical perspective to understanding Hong Kong’s struggle to combat prevalent and emerging diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, avian influenza, and SARS.



