Books Published by Faculty Members

Jatinder Mann, Redefining Citizenship in Australia, Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand 

(New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2019). 187pp.

Adopting a political and legal perspective, Redefining Citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand undertakes a transnational study that examines the demise of Britishness as a defining feature of the conceptualisation of citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand and the impact that this historic shift has had on Indigenous and other ethnic groups in these states. During the 1950s and 1970s an ethnically based citizenship was transformed into a civic-based one (one based on rights and responsibilities). The major context in which this took place was the demise of British race patriotism in Australia, English-speaking Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand. Although the timing of this shift varied, Aboriginal groups and non-British ethnic groups were now incorporated, or appeared to be incorporated, into ideas of citizenship in all three nations. The development of citizenship in this period has traditionally been associated with immigration in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand. However, the historical origins of citizenship practices in all three countries have yet to be fully analysed. This is what Redefining Citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand does. The overarching question addressed by the book is: Why and how did the end of the British World lead to the redefinition of citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand between the 1950s and 1970s in regard to other ethnic and Indigenous groups? This book will be useful for history and politics courses, as well as specialised courses on citizenship and Indigenous studies.









在過去英治時期,香港本地歷史教育不受重視,而「中國因素」對於香港歷史的發展亦往往被淡化。今天,中國處於全球化的跨國空間,加上「一帶一路」納入中國的發展策略,「中外交往」這個一直備受關注的課題更形重要,我們必須具備一個立體多維、溯源歷史、着眼互動的國際視野,才能掌握未來中國與世界的形勢。本書立足於這種大視野的格局,重新審視及探論中國與各國的歷史。本書收錄了「中國與世界國際學術研討會」中,多位來自內地、香港、澳門、台灣、美國、日本等地學者的研究成果,分別從中國知識分子的世界觀、中國對外關係、中外文化互動等角度,分析及考證自古至今中國與世界的關係。這些研究作品打破了傳統國際史的研究主調,不局限於以外交為框架,嘗試從各種專題,例如政治活動、經濟貿易、憲制制定、傳媒刊物等研究,深入描述外國和中國的相遇和交融。 近年中國政府大力推動「一帶一路」及「粵港澳大灣區」規劃,香港的歷史教育及研究方面也應該把握其獨有的文化與特色,從中國幅射到亞洲及至世界,藉着探尋歷史,反思現在,從以展望未來中國與國際關係的發展。





Clara Wing-chung Ho, Oiyan Liu, Thomas Marling, Ka-lai Chan, et al. (eds.), Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the Maritime Silk Road 

(Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History and Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, 2018), 252 pages

This volume is compiled from papers presented at “To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the Maritime Silk Road,” which was held at the Hong Kong Museum of History in December 2016. Financially supported by the Hong Kong Museum of History, the conference was jointly organised by the Department of History of Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Museum of History, the Guangdong Museum and the Macao Museum. During the two days of the conference, a total of 23 academic papers were presented. Presenters, panel chairs, and discussants include 19 international experts hailing from Europe, North America, Australia, and across Asia, as well as 14 scholars from nine local institutions in Hong Kong.

吳思源、李金強合編:《主恩永偕——香港華人基督教聯會百年史 (1915-2015)》




