Books Published by Faculty Members

Cindy Yik-yi Chu, Toshihiko Kishi, Suk Mei Irene Wong (eds.), Images of Macau: East-West Exchange and the Derwent Collection

 (Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2020)

Through an examination of the Derwent Collection, this book explores the changing relations between China and the West, as well as the transformation that Macau underwent, over the course of the 18th and 19th centuries. The more than 150 artworks in this volume include oil paintings, watercolor paintings and sketches – collectively known as “China coast paintings” – as well as block-prints and photographs. These artworks are now stored in the Hong Kong Baptist University.
The era on which this volume focuses was a time of upheaval for Sino–European relations, characterized by the humiliation of the Qing Dynasty in the two Opium Wars (1840–42, 1856–60). In terms of Macau’s history, it was a time in which the city's role as a center of East–West exchange diminished drastically with the rise of Hong Kong, and in which urban expansion and modernization in the northern Macau Peninsula was ignited by the removal of the city walls, beginning in the 1860s. In addition to these material circumstances, the predominant media by which to record these changes also shifted, from paintings and block-prints to photographs.

Cindy Yik-yi Chu, Paul P. Mariani (eds.), People, Communities and the Catholic Church in China

(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020).

This book explores the Chinese Catholic Church as a whole as well as focusing on particular aspects of its activities, including diplomacy, politics, leadership, pilgrimage, youths, and non-Chinese Catholics in China. It discusses Sino-Vatican relations and the rationale behind the decisions taken by Pope Francis with regard to the appointment of bishops in China. The book also examines important changes and personalities in the Chinese Church, the Catholic organizations, and the Catholic communities in the Church, offering a key read for researchers and graduate students studying the Chinese Catholic Church, the Church in Asia, and religion in contemporary China.


中外史學界對於內戰時期的基督教史研究,仍處於起步階段。本文集匯集二十一篇論文,從「通論」、「人物與思想」、「刊物與輿論」、「宗派與組織」、「區域研究」等五大面向探討,並介紹致敬學者。 面對中國的內戰時期,基督教在華面對諸多挑戰,在不同宗派、組織、領導等,可見其不同的掙扎與抉擇;然而,各篇文章多少皆呈現出「務要傳道」的精神,藉以廣義與微觀的探討,帶出內戰及其餘波對基督教在華發展的的諸多影響。















「成長於公共屋邨之中,或許沒有非常富足的物質,然而我們能夠從那小小的公屋單位所得到的,又何止一個安穩的家而已?」 本書三位作者由一對兄妹+妹夫組成,三人同在公屋長大,他們從情感與回憶出發,透過一篇篇動人文字重塑當年屋邨生活的可愛片段。 37篇暖心文字,共你追憶往年公屋歲月。
