Books Published by Faculty Members

Ricardo K.S. Mak, The future of the non-Western World in the social sciences in 19th century England 

Frankfurt am Main; New York : Peter Lang, 1999
ISBN 0820436194

This book investigates what 19th century political economists, social evolutionists, anthropologists and new liberals, on whom modern development theorists draw heavily, and whom modern underdevelopment theorists attack mercilessly, had to say about the future of the non-Western World. Principally this book examines how these great minds of the 19th century addressed the following questions:- Can non-Western nations since the 18th century? - Are the interactions between Western nations and non-Western nations obstacles or moving forces to the development of the latter? - Can the experience of Western nations serve as a guideline by means of which the non-Western nations can escape from stagnation? This book concludes that the 19th century social scientists' position laid closer to the underdevelopment theorists than to the development theorists.


ISBN 9577086195

本書收錄論文九篇:(1)〈先秦時期之「女禍」〉觀;(2)〈漢代之婦人災異論〉;(3)〈漢代「婦人言色亡國」論之發展 ——「女禍」觀念形成的一個層面〉;(4)〈漢人對太后攝政之議論〉;(5)〈魏晉以還史家對后妃主政之負面評價〉;(6)〈中國傳統才德觀及清代前期女性才德論〉;(7)〈清代前期關於女性應否有「才」之討論〉;(8)〈清代前期女性才命觀管窺〉;(9)〈《奩史》初探 —— 兼論類書中女性史料之輯錄〉。著者在〈自序〉中說,「德」、「才」、「色」、「權」四個字,基本上涵蓋了本書各文的幾個重點論題,主要包括古人對婦人才德、才命、才色諸問題持的不同意見,以及歷史上「女禍」觀念的緣起和發展。明代葉紹袁提出婦人三不朽的見解,「德」、「才」、「色」的先後本末關係,足以代表傳統社會的價值觀念;著者在三不朽之後加上「權」,使居末席,因為傳統社會不提倡婦人追求「權」,按理應該放在最後。


ISBN 962-85516-1-2

本書共收中英論文24篇,內容包括海防思想與文獻、海軍發展、海洋經濟三方面研究的新成果,為本港首次出版的海軍史研究論文集。 本系教授周佳榮、朱益宜、李金強、麥勁生均有論文收錄於書中。

Stephanie Po-yin Chung, Chinese Business Groups in Hong Kong and Political Changes in South China, 1900-1925 

London : Macmillan, 1998; New York : St. Martin's, 1998
ISBN 96024402

By the 1910s and 1920s, merchants were doing business in a politically fragmented China. With no central government to provide institutional protection, investors had to set up their own institutions to enable them to conduct business. To cultivate networks with political partons in China, competing merchant groups in Hong Kong sought to finance the regional government in Guangdong in return for financial concessions. Colonial Hong Kong made these attempts possible because it offered these merchants legislative and diplomatic protection and, therefore, a haven to which they could retreat. This development highlighted a fundamental shift in the relationship between the state and merchants in modern China. Chinese merchants, different from their counterparts in Europe, remained dependent on the political authorities, as commercial endeavours were in need of political patronage to survive and to prosper. This patronage system made commercial endeavours dependent on political authority and, significantly, it embedded business in politics-a phenomenon that still exists in China today.


ISBN 9570514957

本書是《中國古代生活叢書》的一種,旨在探討古代中國社會的育兒情況。第一章〈導論〉交代討論範圍及有關史料,並略述傳統的育兒觀念;第二章〈古代育兒的程序及內容〉,綜合說明胎教、生育慶典、嬰幼兒護理及裝束、玩具和遊戲;第三章〈皇族階層的育兒情況〉,分述三個值得留意的問題,即(1)以儲宮教育為重點、(2)皇族女兒的教育未成系統、(3)生母和 乳母的分別;第四、五章〈士大夫及平民階層的育兒情況〉,討論教誨養育子女之道、家庭教育的內容、性別角色教育、父母親和其他家庭成員的角色等; 最後檢討古代育兒的得失。書中還有若干彩色和黑白插圖,可加深讀者對有關方面的認識。


ISBN 962-07-5222-8



ISBN 962075221X



ISBN 9628269046

本書除鮑家麟的〈序〉及黃嫣梨的〈編者序〉外,分為兩部分:「張若名研究論文輯錄」包括香港、內地及海外學者研究張若名的文章17篇、計有楊在道的〈中國的第一位法國女博士 ── 張若名〉、〈五四時期的張若名〉,姜錫先的〈中國早期婦女解放運動的先驅者之一 ── 張若名〉,黃嫣梨的〈張若名年譜〉、〈張若名主要著作簡介〉,徐泓的〈張若名與周恩來〉,林如蓮 (Marilyn Arva Levine) 的〈超越障礙:張若名與安德烈.紀德〉,陳敬堂的〈論中英旅歐總支部的發起組〉、〈「進佔里大」事件與中共旅歐總支部之成立〉等。「張若名主要著作」收錄張若名自己的著作二十一篇,如〈帝國主義淺說〉、〈剩餘價值〉等 。