Books Published by Faculty Members

Danny S.L. Paau, Ricardo K.S. Mak (eds.), Sino-German Relations since 1800: Multidisciplinary Explorations 

Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2000
ISBN 3631353243

In this volume containing fifteen papers on Sino-German relations since 1800, David Honey, R.G. Tiedemann and Timothy M.K. Wong examine German missionary work in China as well as Hong Kong. Papers dealing with German colonial administration in China pay attention to the German interaction with locals and other Europeans. Klaus Mühlhahn, for example, reveals that the German governance of the Chinese Qingdao was not a single track action. Winfried Speitkamp studies how Germans preserved their national identity in the British dominated Hong Kong. On German economic activities, Ricardo K.S. Mak examines the relationship between German politics and the German businessmen in nineteenth century Hong Kong. On mutual perceptions, Thomas Fuchs surveys the changing images of China in German literature. Lauren Pfister studies the case of Ernest Faber's "Sinological Orientalism" to reveal how Europeans created images of China which reflected perhaps more of their own frame of mind than the Chinese reality. On philosophical and linguistic interactions Chiu-yee Cheung examines the two different "faces" of Nietzsche in China. Paul Levine suggests possible influence of Buddhism and Daoism on Nietzsche's views on language and translation. Werner Hess shares with us his analysis supported with first-hand observations of the German language in Chinese mainland. Regarding the influence of German political thought, Yik-yi Chu studies Marxism in China; Youwei Xu and Danny Paau both explore the impact of German Fascism on the Chinese. Qichang Pan reviews PRC-Germany diplomatic relations and expresses optimism in continuous friendly relations between the two countries. With the wide span of training, background and places of origin spacing out from East to West, together the scholars present a multi-disciplinary exploration of Sino-German relations in the past two centuries.


ISBN 9629880172

本書收錄文章二十篇,分為三部分:第一輯綜論亞洲研究和亞太觀,以及中日關係;第二輯集中於東亞研究,包括韓國史和日本史諸問題,如「日本學」書目舉要、日本現代史的分期問題、日本天皇制的變遷等;第三輯為東南亞研究,比較全面地介紹了有關的中外文著作,例如越南漢文史籍、日本的東南亞學等;此外,附錄譯文兩篇及〈師門十年記 —— 陳荊和教授與我〉、〈香港史學研究的新趨勢〉、〈「香港學」中文著作提要〉。


ISBN 9629480506

本書收錄有關歷史教學問題的文章二十多篇,分為以下三輯:第一輯的主題為歷史教育的思考和改革,著者對二十一世紀的中國歷史教育,提出了前瞻性的看法;第二輯的主題為中國歷史科課程的檢討;第三輯是有關歷史教學的諸問題。 整體來說,此書總結了香港學者近年來對歷史教育的主要見解。


ISBN 7302036683

嚴復是近代中國著名的思想家、翻譯家,在近代中國學術文化發展過程中,特別是在中西文化交融的過程中,起著十分重要的作用。本書收錄了近年來海內外嚴復研究中較具代表性的新成果,共收入學術論文13篇 ,分別從嚴復與中西文化交融互釋、嚴復與自由主義、嚴復與盧梭、斯賓塞等多個方面,探討了嚴復在接受和傳播西學過程中 ,如何對待中西文化態度的前後一貫性,及其對於近代中國學術文化發展的貢獻和意義。


ISBN 0195919335

本書收錄有關中國婦女史研究的論文十二篇,依次為:(1)班昭與《女誡》;(2)〈王昭君〈上元帝書〉及〈又報元帝書〉試析;(3)徐淑及其〈答夫詩〉;(4)《詩品:齊鮑令暉齊韓蘭英》箋證;(5)從唐金城公主之上表說到唐蕃二國之關係;(6)朱淑真事跡索隱;(7)顧太清的思想與創作;(8)從徐燦到呂碧城 —— 清代婦女思想與地位的轉變;(9)呂碧城與清末民初婦女教育;(10)張若名與五四時期的天津婦運;(11)中國傳統社會的法律與婦女地位;(12)中國婦女教育典範的轉換。著者在〈序〉中說:「中國婦女生活史,是一部由妝臺步向妝臺以外的歷史。這種步伐、這種進步、這種轉換,是與時代並進的,也是歷史應有的發展。不過,中國歷史中的婦女,無論她們生活在妝臺的時代,或是生活在妝臺以外的時代,她們都是在歷史中真真實實地生活過。」書中的論文,就是從不同時代和人物印證了這一點。

Clara Wing-chung Ho (ed. with Lily Xiao-Hong Lee and A.D. Stefanowska), Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911 

New York and London: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 1998; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1999
ISBN 0-7656-0043-9

This major new reference is the product of years of research, writing, and translation by a team of over 80 scholars based in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Canada, U.S.A. and the Netherlands. Complied from a wide array of original sources, these detailed biographies present the lives, work, and significance of nearly 200 Chinese women from many different backgrounds and areas of interest ---- including literature, painting, drama, embroidery, pottery, politics, science, religion, education, journalism, healing, cuisine, and music. Each entry is substantive and reflects careful research and the diligent gathering and synthesizing of the known facts of each subject's life. This book is the first biographical dictionary in any Western language devoted solely to Chinese women.

Ricardo K.S. Mak, The future of the non-Western World in the social sciences in 19th century England 

Frankfurt am Main; New York : Peter Lang, 1999
ISBN 0820436194

This book investigates what 19th century political economists, social evolutionists, anthropologists and new liberals, on whom modern development theorists draw heavily, and whom modern underdevelopment theorists attack mercilessly, had to say about the future of the non-Western World. Principally this book examines how these great minds of the 19th century addressed the following questions:- Can non-Western nations since the 18th century? - Are the interactions between Western nations and non-Western nations obstacles or moving forces to the development of the latter? - Can the experience of Western nations serve as a guideline by means of which the non-Western nations can escape from stagnation? This book concludes that the 19th century social scientists' position laid closer to the underdevelopment theorists than to the development theorists.


ISBN 9577086195

本書收錄論文九篇:(1)〈先秦時期之「女禍」〉觀;(2)〈漢代之婦人災異論〉;(3)〈漢代「婦人言色亡國」論之發展 ——「女禍」觀念形成的一個層面〉;(4)〈漢人對太后攝政之議論〉;(5)〈魏晉以還史家對后妃主政之負面評價〉;(6)〈中國傳統才德觀及清代前期女性才德論〉;(7)〈清代前期關於女性應否有「才」之討論〉;(8)〈清代前期女性才命觀管窺〉;(9)〈《奩史》初探 —— 兼論類書中女性史料之輯錄〉。著者在〈自序〉中說,「德」、「才」、「色」、「權」四個字,基本上涵蓋了本書各文的幾個重點論題,主要包括古人對婦人才德、才命、才色諸問題持的不同意見,以及歷史上「女禍」觀念的緣起和發展。明代葉紹袁提出婦人三不朽的見解,「德」、「才」、「色」的先後本末關係,足以代表傳統社會的價值觀念;著者在三不朽之後加上「權」,使居末席,因為傳統社會不提倡婦人追求「權」,按理應該放在最後。