Books Published by Faculty Members







Catherine Ladds (ed.) Empire Careers: Working for the Chinese Customs Service, 1854-1949 

(England: Manchester University Press, 2013), 228pp.

This is the first book-length study of the 11,000 foreign nationals who worked for the Chinese Customs Service, 1854-1949, exploring how their lives and careers were shaped by imperial ideologies, networks and structures. In doing so it highlights the vast range of people – British and non-British, elite and non-elite – for whom the empire world spoke of opportunity. Empire Careers considers the professional triumphs and tribulations of the foreign staff, their social activities, their private and family lives, and how all of these factors were influenced by the changing political context in China and abroad. Contrary to the common assumption that China was merely an "outpost" of empire, exploration of the Customs' cosmopolitan personnel encourages us to see China as a place where multiple imperial trajectories converged, overlapped and competed.

Cindy Yik-yi Chu (ed.), The Catholic Church in China: 1978 to the Present 

(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 175pp.

This book traces the history of the Catholic Church in China since the country opened up to the world in December 1978.  It comprehensively studies the Chinese Catholic Church on various levels, including an analysis of Sino-Vatican relations, the control over the Catholic Church by the Beijing government, the supervision of local Church activities, and the consecration of government-approved bishops, the formation of priests, and the everyday lives of Chinese Catholics.






本書是 「高中中國歷史知識增益」選修單元六講座記錄,導論〈女性社會地位:傳統與變遷〉以下,分為五講:一、〈歷史中的女性角色及其遞變〉;二、〈從維新、辛亥、新文化到五四時期的婦運思想及其實踐〉;三、〈民初的女子參政活動及新女性教育的發展〉;四、〈抗戰前後的女性工作、貢獻及其事蹟〉;五、〈五十年代以後的中國新女性典範〉。書末附錄李玉梅〈宋元明清的婦女〉一文。




Clara Wing-chung Ho (ed.), Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women's History

(Hong Kong, The Chinese University Press, 2012), 608pp.

This is the first published volume on a variety of sources for Chinese women's history. It is an attempt to explore overt and covert information on Chinese women in a vast quantity of textual and non-textual, conventional and unconventional, source materials. Some chapters re-read well-known texts or previously marginalized texts, and brainstorm new ways to use and interpret these sources; others explore new sources or previously overlooked or under-used materials. This book is a valuable product witnessing the concerted effort of twenty some scholars located in different parts of the world.