Sharing by Students: Ming-xi CHEN, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:陳明熙,歷史系文學士(榮譽)四年級生 |
Ming-xi CHEN 陳明熙 |
Students |
95 |
2024.01 |
Sharing by Old Friends & Alumni: Mr. Vincent Kwun-leung LEE, BA (Hons) in Visual Arts (Minor in History), 2009, MSSc, Contemporary China Studies-History and Culture, 2011 老朋友和校友分享:李冠良先生,2009年視覺藝術文學士(榮譽)(副修歷史),2011年社會科學碩士(當代中國研究)—歷史與文化專業 |
Vincent Kwun-leung LEE 李冠良 |
Alumni |
95 |
2024.01 |
Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Wan-yu WONG, Assistant Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, Hong Kong Baptist University 老朋友和校友分享:黃韞瑜小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館特藏及文獻組助理館長 |
Wan-yu WONG 黃韞瑜 |
Library Staff |
95 |
2024.01 |
Message from the Head of Department 系主任的話 |
Clara Wing-chung HO 劉詠聰 |
Faculty Members |
94 |
2023.12 |
Sharing by Members: Dr. Joshua Dao Wei SIM 成員分享:沈道偉博士 |
Joshua Dao Wei SIM 沈道偉 |
Faculty Members |
94 |
2023.12 |
Sharing by Members: Dr. Jie LI 成員分享:李劼博士 |
Jie LI 李劼 |
Faculty Members |
94 |
2023.12 |
Sharing by Student: Ying-man CHAN, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:陳膺文,歷史系文學士(榮譽)四年級生 |
Ying-man CHAN 陳膺文 |
Students |
94 |
2023.12 |
Sharing by Old Friends & Alumni: Mr. Kim-wai HA, Diploma in History, 1986 老朋友和校友分享:夏劍偉先生,1986年歷史文憑畢業生 |
Kim-wai HA 夏劍偉 |
Alumni |
94 |
2023.12 |
Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Wan-yu WONG, Assistant Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, Hong Kong Baptist University 老朋友和校友分享:黃韞瑜小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館特藏及文獻組助理館長 |
Wan-yu WONG 黃韞瑜 |
Library Staff |
94 |
2023.12 |
Sharing by Members: Miss Zhi-yue GAO 成員分享:高之悅小姐 |
Zhi-yue GAO 高之悅 |
Students |
93 |
2023.11 |