Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Ching-long TSE, BA (Hons) in History, 2022 老朋友和校友分享:謝靖朗,2022年歷史系文學士(榮譽) |
Ching-long TSE 謝靖朗 |
Alumni |
97 |
2024.03 |
Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Wan-yu WONG, Assistant Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, Hong Kong Baptist University 老朋友和校友分享:黃韞瑜小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館特藏及文獻組助理館長 |
Wan-yu WONG 黃韞瑜 |
Library Staff |
97 |
2024.03 |
Sharing by Members: Dr. Kam-chau KWOK 成員分享:郭錦洲博士 |
Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 |
Faculty Members |
96 |
2024.02 |
Sharing by Students: Siu-kuen TAN, BA (Hons) in History, Year 3 學生分享:陳兆權,歷史系文學士(榮譽)四年級生 |
Siu-kuen TAN 陳兆權 |
Students |
96 |
2024.02 |
Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Ka-hin KWOK, BA (Hons) in History, 2022, Msc Theory and History of International Relations, London School of Econoomics and Political Science, 2023 老朋友和校友分享:郭鎵軒先生,2022年歷史學文學士(榮譽),2023年倫敦政經學院國際關係理論與歷史理學碩士 |
Ka-hin KWOK 郭鎵軒 |
Alumni |
96 |
2024.02 |
Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Wan-yu WONG, Assistant Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, Hong Kong Baptist University 老朋友和校友分享:黃韞瑜小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館特藏及文獻組助理館長 |
Wan-yu WONG 黃韞瑜 |
Library Staff |
96 |
2024.02 |
Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Cheuk-chi Cecilia CHUNG, Digital Initiatives and Research Cluster, Hong Kong Baptist University Library 老朋友和校友分享:鍾卓芝小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館數碼創新及研究部 |
Cheuk-chi Cecilia CHUNG 鍾卓芝 |
Library Staff |
96 |
2024.02 |
Message from the Interim Head of Department 臨時系主任的話 |
Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG 鍾寶賢 |
Faculty Members |
95 |
2024.01 |
Sharing by Members: Mr. Shawn Wun-hei HUI, PhD Student 成員分享:許桓熙先生,哲學博士生 |
Shawn Wun-hei HUI 許桓熙 |
Students |
95 |
2024.01 |
Sharing by Members: Mr. Hao-ran JIANG, PhD Student 成員分享:江昊然先生,哲學博士生 |
Hao-ran JIANG 江昊然 |
Students |
95 |
2024.01 |