
Learning Activities


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

GFHC 1055 A Visit to Village of Lai Chi Wo (2022.10.29) GFHC 1055荔枝窩村考察(2022.10.29)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 Field Trips 85 2023.01

A Training Session and 3D Scanning Activities held by the History Department (2022.12.20) 歷史系舉辦3D掃描訓練會及活動(2022.12.20)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Others 84 2022.12

HIST / CHSH4405 A Visit to Po Leung Kuk Museum (2022.11.9) HIST / CHSH 4405保良局歷史博物館參觀活動(2022.11.9)

Novem Tsz-wing HO 何芷穎 Field Trips 83 2022.11

Dr. Katon LEE Collaborated with "English Across the Curriculum" (EAC) (2022.9.22, 9.29 & 10.11) 李啟雋博士與「跨課程英語」(EAC)合作(2022.9.22, 9.29 & 10.11)

Katon LEE 李啟雋 Curriculum Development 82 2022.10

HIST / CHSH4405 Two Visits to Hong Kong Hertiage Project and TWGHs Maisy HO Archives and Relics Centre (2022.10.12 & 19) HIST / CHSH 4405 兩次參觀活動(2022.10.12 & 19)

Novem Tsz-wing HO 何芷穎 Field Trips 82 2022.10

A Visit to the Hong Kong Palace Museum (2022.8.16) 參觀香港故宮文化博物館(2022.8.16)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Field Trips 81 2022.09

HIST 3106 Current Issues in Hong Kong and China Field Trip (2022.5.28) HIST 3106走進大地予我稻田:重塑鄉郊的過去與未來(2022.5.28)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 Field Trips 80 2022.06

GCAP 3006 A Visit to Wah Fu Estate (2022.6.18) GCAP 3006探訪華富邨(2022.6.18)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 Field Trips 80 2022.06

GCAP 3006 Class Activity: A Pbulic Lecture "The Writing of Spatial Story as Field Work Methodology" (2022.3.29) GCAP 2006客席講座—如何在田野上寫出空間故事?(2022.3.29)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 In-class Lectures 78 2022.04

HIST 3106 Current Issues in Hong Kong and China-Legend of Shek Pik (2022.4.12) HIST 3106公開講座:《石壁故事》

Shing-hin LAM; Ming-tim WONG 林成軒;黃銘添 In-class Lectures 78 2022.04