
Learning Activities


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Field Trip to Central and Sheung Wan (2023.11.25-26) 中環/上環考察(2023.11.25-26)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 Field Trips 94 2023.12

3D Sham Shui Po 360 三維深水埗360

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Others 93 2023.11

Instagram Account "The Forgotten Reasons" Officially Launched Instagram 帳號「遺忘了的原因」正式上架

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 Curriculum Development 93 2023.11

A Visit to CLP Pulse (2023.10.31) 參觀中電鐘樓文化館 (2023.10.31)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Field Trips 93 2023.11

HIST 4207: A Visit to Public Records Office (2023.9.29) HIST 4207:參觀歷史檔案館(2023.9.29)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Field Trips 92 2023.10

HIST 4315: A Visit to Hong Kong Museum of Art (2023.10.3) HIST 4315:參觀香港藝術館(2023.10.3)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Field Trips 92 2023.10

HIST 7510 South China Studies Field Trip (2023.10.14) HIST 7510華南研究考察(2023.10.14)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 Field Trips 92 2023.10

1 New and 5 Renewed GFHC Courses Available from 2023-2024 2023 至 2024 年將提供 1 門新的和更新 5 門 GFHC 課程

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Curriculum Development 87 2023.03

Sharing by Mr Eric Fung & Interview with Villagers of Tui Min Hoi 馮浚軒先生分享及對面海村村民訪談(2023.3.6 & 18)

Kam-chau KWOK 郭錦洲 In-class Lectures 87 2023.03

HIST 3106 Current Issues in Hong Kong and China-Public Lecture: "A Review: the Development in the New Territories" (2023.2.6) HIST 3106 公開講座:《新界發展的回顧及反思》(2023.2.6)

Ming-tim WONG 黃銘添 In-class Lectures 86 2023.02