Click here to view our GRF/ECS application/ success rate in recent years.
(Arranged in alphabetical order of the first words in the project titles)
Mineral and Metal Anti-Aging Recipes in Rasaśāstra
(Dr. Patricia SAUTHOFF) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)
Nahua Singers: Celebrating an Indigenous Empire in Sixteenth-Century Mexico City
(Dr. Peter SORENSEN) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)
Spatial Histories of the Early Ottoman Railroads
(Dr. Elvan COBB) (01/2022-12/2024)
A Global Study of Streets Named after Sun Yat-sen
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed by Dr. Tan Siu Lin Foundation] and Research Matching Grant Scheme [RGC]; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK and Dr. Raymond Kwun-sun LAU) (2020.9.1-present)
Centennial History of Bethel Mission of China
(Funding: The Bethel Mission of China; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE) (10/2016-present)
E-Learning Platform of Chinese Art History and 3D Paintings 中國藝術歷史+3D古畫電子教學平台
(Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI) (01/09/2023-31/08/2026)
Hong Kong Historical Spatial Data Platform
(Funding: Research Impact Fund; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG; Co-PI: Prof. Timothy Man-kong WONG, Prof. Kwok-wai CHEUNG, Dr. Elvan COBB, Dr. Wallace Wailok LAI, Dr. TSUI Lik Hang)
Lantau Stories under Water - The Legend of Shek Pik
(Funding: Lantau Conservation Fund, HK; PI: Prof. Po-yin CHUNG; CI: Mr. Tony CHUNG, Miss Corrin CHAN, Dr. Rebecca ROBINSON and Dr. Kam-chau KWOK; Academic Advisor: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO) (12/2021-03/2025)
Ritual, Festival and Community Building – Basin Feast
(Funding: Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department; PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, et al) (08/2021-08/2024)
Research, Education, and Knowledge Transfer Project: Tung Wah during the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, 1942-1945
(Funding: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (15/08/2022-01/2025)
(Funding: Lantau Conservation Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (06/01/2025-05/01/2028)
A Business History of Two Chinese Ancestral Tongs: The Story of Lee Cheuk Yue Tong and Eu Sai Hong Tong, 1860s-1960s
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
A History of Diseases and Epidemics in Hong Kong (1840s–1960s): A Pilot Project
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)
A Study of the Intellectual Couple Hu Wenkai and Wang Xiuqin
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
A Study of the Women’s Press in Late Qing China
(PI: Prof. Kai-wing CHOW)
An Archival Research on the Diplomatic Career of Sir Edward Youde as British Ambassador to China, 1974-1978
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)
An Oral History of HKBU Student-centered Learning Experience in Beijing, 1989-2014: The Summer Sojourn of the China Studies Programme at Tsinghua University as the Case Study
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)
Advice on Wealth Management Given by a Mother in Late Qing and Early Republican Guangdong: A Study of Qu Fengzhu and Her Zhijia Yaoyi
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
Cameralist Experiments in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ)
Chinese Servicemen in the British Military, 1857-1945
(PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)
Contextualizing the Chinese Reception of Rousseau's Of the Social Contract: 1895-1925
(PI: Dr. Guangxin FAN)
Cultural Mediators Between Two Worlds: The Chinese Germanists and the German Sinologists in the Inter-war Years
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)
Database of Tribute and Return Gifts between Heilongjiang Tribes and the Qing Dynasty Government
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)
Early Modern Globalization through Macau in the 19th Century
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
Enlightened Technology: Cameralist Experiments in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ)
Faithfully Outlawed: Chinese Catholics Facing the Mid-Qing Persecution of Christianity (1721-1860) in Light of Judicial Records from the Xingke Tiben from the Qing Period
(PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)
Fluid Fire: The Rise of Phlegm as Embodied Emotion in the Chinese World
(PI: Dr. Natalie KOEHLE) (08/2020-07/2023)
Happy Birthday vs Rest in Peace: Birthday Greetings and Bereavement Messages for Women in Late Imperial and Republican China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
Identifying Female Historians in Imperial China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
Legal Transmission and Market Governance: Rulings on Hindu Debutters, Islamic Waqfs and Chinese Tongs in Colonia Courts (India, Malaya and Hong Kong, 1850s-1980s)
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
Making the Capitalist City: The B&O and Urban Space in Baltimore, 1827-1877
(PI: Dr. David SCHLEY)
Migration and Enterprises: A Business History of Three Migrant Families in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, 1860-2000
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
Mothers as Teachers: Evidences from Paintings in Qing China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
Overseas Chinese and the Making of Nationality: The Chinese in Dutch Indonesia
(PI: Oiyan LIU)
Public Administration of Cultural Pluralism in Hong Kong, 1947-2011
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)
Reinventing Confucianism through German Cultural Ideals: The Thoughts of Zong Baihua (1897-1986), He Lin (1902-1992) and Zhang Junmai (1887-1969)
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)
Religion and Environment in Early China
(PI: Dr. Rebecca ROBINSON)
Rousseau's Legacy in Modern Chinese Political Culture: The Reception of Foreign Ideas and the Search for A Glorious Native Tradition
(PI: Dr. Fan Guangxin)
Sino-Foreign Relations in Chinese Christianity during the Republican Era
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
Social and Cultural Exchanges in Early Modern Amuria
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)
The Catholic Church in China: 1978 to the Present
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
The Chinese Path to Enlightenment
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)
The Chinese Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Evolution of the Catholic Church
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
The Designs and Weaving Techniques of Early Chinese Textiles
(PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI)
The Glocalization of the Catholic Church in the Context of Higher Education in China in the First Half of the 20th Century
(PI: Prof Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
The Reception of German Romanticism in Early Twentieth Century China (PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)
Trading Diaspora and Business Expansion - The Jewish Communities in India, Southeast Asia and Coastal China, 1830-1950
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
Trading Diaspora in Southeast Asia and South China - The Big Hadhrami Merchant Families of Singapore, 1830-2010
(PI: Prof Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
Traditional Korean Sports during the Koryö Dynasty (918-1392)
(PI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN)
Trafficking of Women and Children in Asia: A Contemporary Form of Slavery
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
Victor Elias Sassoon (1881-1961) and the Cathay Land Investment Company
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
Works by Qing Women on Educating Their Children
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
Dataset Development and Historical Research
(CI: Dr. Loretta KIM)
Fostering Student Autonomy and Instructor-Student Co-Teaching and Co-Publishing
(CI: Dr. Loretta KIM)
Re-examining Chinese History with a Gender Perspective: Introduction to New Teaching and Learning Approaches
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
Teaching History in a New Era: Meeting the 2012 Challenges
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK; CI: Prof Clara Wing-chung HO)
Teaching Modern Chinese History through the Critical Use of Films
(TDG; PI: Dr. Guangxin FAN)
100 Chinese Protestant Christian Hymns from Qing China (DSG/2122/110)
(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Dr. Man Kong WONG) (2021-2022)
A Study of Artistic Pot Plants in Hong Kong
(Funding: The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust; PI: Mr. Vincent Chung-hang HO, Miss Novem Tsz-wing HO; Advisors: Prof. Joseph Sing-pao TING [CUHK], Prof. Kam-keung LEE, Mr. Mo-fat LAM [Hong Kong Penjing & Artstone Society] & Mr. King-man LEE [Penjing Association of Hong Kong]) (06/2021-11/2022)
A History of the Gurkha Soldiers in Hong Kong
(Funding: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)
A History of the Hong Kong Bible Conference Association
(Funding: Hong Kong Bible Conference Association Ltd.; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE) (01/2014-2019)
A Study of Memorial Parks in Honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Different Countries
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed] and Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation [at Institute of Creativity, HKBU]; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK and Dr. Raymond Kwun-sun LAU)
Agricultural Crops of Fujian under the Qing Dynasty
(Funding: Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies, HKBU; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
An Interactive Map for Chinese History and History Subjects: The Battle of Hong Kong during the Second Sino-Japanese War (Dec 1941)
(Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG; CI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Prof. Timothy Man-kong WONG, Dr. David SCHLEY, Dr. Ka-chai TAM, Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Mr. Tony BANHAM, Mr. Yiu-lun TSOI, Mr. Tim-keung KO)
An International Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History
(Funding: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Dr. Arthur C. F. Lau, & HKBU; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
An Introduction to Gender, Class and Race
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grant; PI: Dr. Fongfong CHEN)
Archaeological Discoveries in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Student-as-Partner Grant; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)
Biographies of Church Leaders in Hong Kong
(Funding: The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Centenary History of the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union
(Funding: The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Community Project for Refugees in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants, PI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)
Current Issues in Hong Kong and China
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grant; PI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)
Consultancy for the EBD project “中史自學平台”, Phrase 1
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)
Consultancy for the EBD project “中史自學平台”
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK; PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM) (09/2020-08/2023)
Dr. Sun Yat-sen and His Teachers, Friends
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Enhancing Students’ Graduate Attributes (GAs) through Problem Based Learning and Service Learning in Formal Academic Courses
(Funding: Member of the Community of Practice [CoP] Project; PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)
Global China in the Modern Age
(Funding: HKBU Student-as-Partner Grant; PIs: Dr. Fongfong CHEN and Dr. Daniel Kam-Chau KWOK)
Historical Anthropology
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants, PI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)
Historical Geographic Information System Project (Battle of Hong Kong Map 1941) (DSG201903)
(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Dr. Chi Man KWONG) (2019-2020)
Hong Kong Landscapes and the Arts of Late-Qing Loyalists (yilao)
(Funding: The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN; Advisors: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Prof. Harold Kar-leung MOK [CUHK])
Icons of Post-War Hong Kong
(Funding: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government; PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)
Industrial Production and Unification of the Weight System in the Qin Empire
(Funding: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange; PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI) (2016.7.3-2018.6.30)
Intersectionality and Art Making in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants, PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)
Intersectionality and Marginalized Identities in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grant; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)
Mapping Touristic Encounters in Southwest Asia
(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Dr. Elvan COBB) (03/2021-03/2023)
Memoirs of Dr. Lau Wah Sum
(Funding: private donation; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Nursing and the History of Everyday Life in Hong Kong: A History of the Kwong Wah Hospital Nurse Training School (Funding: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; PI: Prof. Man-kong WONG; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW) (06/2021-08/2022)
Local History of Yan Gardan and Dongguan
(Funding : HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants; PI Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)
Mid-Autumn Festival: The Pok Fu Lam Fire Dragon Dance
(Funding: Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department; PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG; Co-researchers: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Dr. LIU Wing-Shing, Dr. LO Shuk-ying; Academic Advisors: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI and Dr. Oiyan LIU) (07/2020-07/2023)
Pictorial Representation of Sun Yat-sen in Newspapers beyond China since the Late 19th Century
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed by Dr. Tan Siu Lin Foundation] and Research Matching Grant Scheme [RGC]; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK and Dr. Raymond Kwun-sun LAU) (2018.1.1-2021.12.31)
Post War Hong Kong Comics: A History
(Funding: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government; PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)
Production of the Learning and Teaching resource package “《想‧創—中國歷史學與教資源套 (第二輯)》” for the Revised Chinese History Curriculum
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW) (11/2020-02/2021)
Production of the Learning and Teaching resource package “Flipped History (反轉歷史)” for the Chinese History Curriculum at Junior Secondary Level in Hong Kong
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW)
Provisional of Service for Developing the Online e-Learning Platform to Promote Self-directed Learning in History to Support the Implementation of the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (11/2020-02/2022)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Oral History Project
(Funding: Queen Elizabeth Hospital; PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)
Sino-Japanese War and Modern China
(Funding: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Tao Xingzhi and Modern Chinese Education
(Funding: Chung Yeh Educational Organization Co. Ltd.; PI: Prof. Kai-wing CHOW)
Teaching Chinese History with 3D Models of Artifacts
(Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI; CI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM, Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Dr. Yuen-han LAW) (2020.6.1-2022.5.31)
The British Army Aid Group (1942-1945): A Historical Geographic Information System (HGIS) Project
(Funding: HKBU Knowledge Transfer Office Seed Fund; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)
The History of the Press in Pre-modern China
(Funding: HKBU Student-as-Partner Grant; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)
Using Modern Examples to Aid in Understanding Visual Appreciation of Tea Ceremony Described in Daguan Chalun
(FOSS Collaborative Research Grant; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI; CI: Dr. Simon HAN Quanbin and Dr. Jiang LEI)
Where "Hong Kong in the Sea" and "Hong Kong on the Land" Meet -- A Study on the Conservation of Historic Building Clusters in the Ap Lei Chau-Aberdeen-Lamma Island Area”
(Funding: Built Heritage Conservation Fund, Development Bureau, HKSAR; PI:Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG; CI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Dr. Kin-sum LI, Dr. Oiyan LIU, Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Prof. Wing-shing TANG, Mr. Tony Lam)