Funded Projects

Click here to view our  GRF/ECS application/ success rate in recent years.


Ongoing Projects

(Arranged in alphabetical order of the first words in the project titles)

(A) GRF Projects

Archaeology and Modernization in the Ottoman Middle East
(PI: Dr. Elvan COBB) (10/2022-09/2024)


Casting Two-tone Bells in Ancient China: Designs and Manufacturing Techniques
(PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI) (2023.1.1-2025.12.31)


Children in Transit: Steamship mobilities across colonial seas, c. 1869-1950
(PI: Dr. Catherine LADDS) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)


Cold War in the New Territories: Garrison and Internal Security, 1949-1984
(PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)


Counting Up and Counting Down: Approaches to Aging among Qing Writers
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO) (09/2024-08/2027)


Film Industry and the Straits Chinese between Empires - The Family of Mrs Loke Yew and the Cathay Organisation in Hong Kong, Singapore & Kuala Lumpur, 1920s-70s
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)


Fixing the Outdated Ancestral Rule: the Formation of the Hongzhi Wenxing tiaoli and the Socio-economic Transformations of Mid-Ming China in the Light of the Huang Ming tiaofa shi leizuan and Other Legal Sources from 15th Century
(PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM) (09/2020-08/2023)


Rewriting Japanese History through the Renaissance: Studies of Japanese Intellectual Discourses in the Mid-Twentieth Century

(PI: Dr. HOSHINO Noriaki) (01/2022-12/2024)


To Tame the Untameable: Zhu Yuanzhang’s (r. 1368-98) Struggles to Establish his Ideal Society by Legal Measures in light of the Dagao and the Dan’elu
(PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM) (12/2023-12/2026)


Trading Diaspora and Screen Connections: Ho Khee-yong Family and Kong Ngee Enterprises in Hong Kong, Singapore, Penang and Ipoh 1930-1970
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG) (12/2022-12/2025)

(B) ECS Projects

Mineral and Metal Anti-Aging Recipes in Rasaśāstra 

(Dr. Patricia SAUTHOFF) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)


Nahua Singers: Celebrating an Indigenous Empire in Sixteenth-Century Mexico City

(Dr. Peter SORENSEN) (01/01/2025-31/12/2027)


Spatial Histories of the Early Ottoman Railroads

(Dr. Elvan COBB) (01/2022-12/2024)

(C) FRG Projects
(D) Others (External)

A Global Study of Streets Named after Sun Yat-sen
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed by Dr. Tan Siu Lin Foundation] and Research Matching Grant Scheme [RGC]; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK and Dr. Raymond Kwun-sun LAU) (2020.9.1-present)


Centennial History of Bethel Mission of China

(Funding: The Bethel Mission of China; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE) (10/2016-present)


E-Learning Platform of Chinese Art History and 3D Paintings 中國藝術歷史+3D古畫電子教學平台
(Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI) (01/09/2023-31/08/2026)


Hong Kong Historical Spatial Data Platform

(Funding: Research Impact Fund; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG; Co-PI: Prof. Timothy Man-kong WONG, Prof. Kwok-wai CHEUNG, Dr. Elvan COBB, Dr. Wallace Wailok LAI, Dr. TSUI Lik Hang)


Lantau Stories under Water - The Legend of Shek Pik

(Funding: Lantau Conservation Fund, HK; PI: Prof. Po-yin CHUNG; CI: Mr. Tony CHUNG, Miss Corrin CHAN, Dr. Rebecca ROBINSON and Dr. Kam-chau KWOK; Academic Advisor: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO) (12/2021-03/2025)


Ritual, Festival and Community Building – Basin Feast

(Funding: Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department; PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, et al) (08/2021-08/2024)


Research, Education, and Knowledge Transfer Project: Tung Wah during the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, 1942-1945

(Funding: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (15/08/2022-01/2025)


The Military History of Lantau Island from the Early Modern Period to the Early Cold War: A Spatial History Project (1600-1960)

(Funding: Lantau Conservation Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (06/01/2025-05/01/2028)

(E) Others (Internal)

Finding the Heritage of the Sai Kung Catholic Villages by the Production of 360 Virtual Tours

(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU) (01/04/2024-31/03/2025)

Recently Completed Projects
(A) GRF / ECS / HSSPFS / CERG Projects

A Bookish Science: Eighteenth-century Botany and Its Use of Books
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ)


A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong
(CI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


A History of Diseases and Epidemics in Hong Kong, 1841-2003
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


A History of the London Missionary Society in Hong Kong, 1842-1922
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


An Archival Research of the Diplomatic Career of Sir Edward as British Ambassador to China, 1974-1978
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


Attaining Accuracy and Precision of Measuring Containers during the Qin Dynasty
(PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI) (2019.12.1-2022.11.30)


Centering Dutch Indies Chinese from the Margins: On Nationality and Subjectness in an Era of Inter-Imperial Rivalry, ca. 1854-1930
(PI: Dr. Oiyan LIU) (01/2021-06/2023)


Children of Empire: The History of Eurasians in China, Hong Kong and Britain, 1830-1960
(PI: Dr. Catherine Frances LADDS)


China’s Southeast Asia: Territory, People, Civilization, and Europe’s Fear
(PI: Dr. Oiyan LIU)


Chinese Mixed Race Communities in Eastern Java and Their Regional Connections: The Shaping of a Maritime Silk Road Corridor, 1400-1900
(PI: Dr. Oiyan LIU) (01/2019-12/2022)


Eating Tradition: Towards a Social History of Donkey Hide Gelatin (ejiao 阿膠)
(PI: Dr. Natalie KOEHLE) (07/2022-06/2024)


Envisioning Future Warfare in China: Tactics, Technology, State, and National Mobilisation
(PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)


Escape to Inwardness: Philosophical Responses to Modernity and Modernization in China during the 1930s
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


Family, Ethnicity and Business Expansion - the Case of the Eu Yan Sang Firm in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, the Straits Settlements and British Malaya, 1876-1999”
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Getting Older, Doing Worse: Aging-provoked Unhappiness as Seen in Self-narratives of Qing China

(Funding: RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme [HSSPFS]), Awardee: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO) (2022.1.1-2022.12.31)


Gridlocked: A History of Traffic in New York City before the Automobile
(PI: Dr. David SCHLEY) (01/2020-06/2023)


Herstory: Historical Works by Women in Imperial China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


How to Transform One’s Time: Japanese Marxist Intellectuals’ Discussions on Utopia during the Mid-Twentieth Century
(PI: Dr. Noriaki HOSHINO) (07/2022-06/2023)


Institutionalisation of Modern Military Science in Republican Chinese Armies: A Study Focusing on the Fengtian and the National Revolutionary Armies, 1911-1937
(PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)


Islamic Endowments [the waqf] and the Chinese Ancestral Tong: A Comparative Appraisal of the Evolution of Ethical Capitalism, 1830-2007
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Making the Capitalist City: The B&O Railroad and Urban Space in Baltimore, 1827-1877
(PI: Dr. David SCHLEY)


Managing Social Order in Maritime South China: The Late Ming (1550-1645) Judicial Court Experiences
(PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)


Marginal People in Liminal Places: Non-elite Europeans in Colonial-era East Asian Port Cities
(PI: Dr. Catherine Frances LADDS) (01/2017-12/2021)


Mobile Subjects: British Nationality and Consular Protection on the Edges of Empire, c. 1900-1950
(PI: Dr. Catherine Frances LADDS) (01/2022-12/2023)


Native History of Early Modern Amuria
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)


Networked Names: Co-authoring Nomenclature in Eighteenth-century Botany
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ) (10/2019-01/2023)


Religion and Environment in Early China
(PI: Dr. Rebecca ROBINSON) (01/2020-04/2023)


Representation of Teaching Mothers in Paintings: A Study of Messages Embedded in the Kezi tu Production in Qing China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


Same Couple, Second Wedding: A Study of China’s Chongfeng huazhu Custom from the Eighteenth Century to the Mid-Twentieth Century
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


The Collaborative Epistemic Culture of Eighteenth-century Natural History
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ)


The Glocalization of the Catholic Church in the Context of Higher Education in China in the First Half of the 20th Century
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


The Healing Ministry: Protestant Christianity and the History of Medical Care in Colonial Hong Kong, 1842-1997
(PI: Prof. Man-kong WONG)


The Japanese “Total-State” Experiment in Hong Kong, 1942-1945
(PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (01/2020-12/2022)


The Joy and Frustration of Aging: Self-narratives of Men and Women in Qing China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO) (2020.11.1-2023.10.31)


The Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong, 1921-1969: Their Contribution in Education, Social Services and Welfare
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


The Mass Production of Bronzes in 500-300 BC China
(PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI) (2016.10.1-2019.9.30)


The Ming-Qing Transition (1619-1740): A Reassessment from the Legal Angle
(PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)


The Production, Function, and Revitalization of Silk Textiles from Ancient China
(PI: Kin-sum LI) (2017.11.1-2020.10.31)


The Rise of a New Political Horizon: The Chinese Reception of Rousseau’s Of the Social Contract, 1895-1925
(PI: Dr. Guangxin FAN)


The Rise of Phlegm as Embodied Emotion in Chinese Medicine (960-1911)
(PI: Dr. Natalie KOEHLE) (07/2020-06/2023)


Trading Diaspora and Merchant Community-The Sassoon and Kadoorie Family Enterprise in the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and Coastal China, 1830-1990
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Transpacific Japanese Migrations and Multi-ethnic Nation Formation across the Pacific: 1920s-1940s
(PI: Dr. Noriaki HOSHINO) (01/2018-02/2022)


Turquoise Technology and Resource Procurement in China: From the Early Neolithic Jiahu to the Bronze Age Erlitou
(PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI) (2018.8.1-2020.7.31)

(B) FRG Projects

A Business History of Two Chinese Ancestral Tongs: The Story of Lee Cheuk Yue Tong and Eu Sai Hong Tong, 1860s-1960s
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


A History of Diseases and Epidemics in Hong Kong (1840s–1960s): A Pilot Project
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


A Study of the Intellectual Couple Hu Wenkai and Wang Xiuqin
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


A Study of the Women’s Press in Late Qing China
(PI: Prof. Kai-wing CHOW)


An Archival Research on the Diplomatic Career of Sir Edward Youde as British Ambassador to China, 1974-1978
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


An Oral History of HKBU Student-centered Learning Experience in Beijing, 1989-2014: The Summer Sojourn of the China Studies Programme at Tsinghua University as the Case Study
(PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


Advice on Wealth Management Given by a Mother in Late Qing and Early Republican Guangdong: A Study of Qu Fengzhu and Her Zhijia Yaoyi
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


Cameralist Experiments in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ)


Chinese Servicemen in the British Military, 1857-1945
(PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)


Contextualizing the Chinese Reception of Rousseau's Of the Social Contract: 1895-1925
(PI: Dr. Guangxin FAN)


Cultural Mediators Between Two Worlds: The Chinese Germanists and the German Sinologists in the Inter-war Years
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


Database of Tribute and Return Gifts between Heilongjiang Tribes and the Qing Dynasty Government
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)


Early Modern Globalization through Macau in the 19th Century
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


Enlightened Technology: Cameralist Experiments in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
(PI: Dr. Bettina DIETZ)


Faithfully Outlawed: Chinese Catholics Facing the Mid-Qing Persecution of Christianity (1721-1860) in Light of Judicial Records from the Xingke Tiben from the Qing Period
(PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)


Fluid Fire: The Rise of Phlegm as Embodied Emotion in the Chinese World
(PI: Dr. Natalie KOEHLE) (08/2020-07/2023)


Happy Birthday vs Rest in Peace: Birthday Greetings and Bereavement Messages for Women in Late Imperial and Republican China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


Identifying Female Historians in Imperial China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


Legal Transmission and Market Governance: Rulings on Hindu Debutters, Islamic Waqfs and Chinese Tongs in Colonia Courts (India, Malaya and Hong Kong, 1850s-1980s)
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Making the Capitalist City: The B&O and Urban Space in Baltimore, 1827-1877
(PI: Dr. David SCHLEY)


Migration and Enterprises: A Business History of Three Migrant Families in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore, 1860-2000
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Mothers as Teachers: Evidences from Paintings in Qing China
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


Overseas Chinese and the Making of Nationality: The Chinese in Dutch Indonesia
(PI: Oiyan LIU)


Public Administration of Cultural Pluralism in Hong Kong, 1947-2011
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)


Reinventing Confucianism through German Cultural Ideals: The Thoughts of Zong Baihua (1897-1986), He Lin (1902-1992) and Zhang Junmai (1887-1969)
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


Religion and Environment in Early China
(PI: Dr. Rebecca ROBINSON)


Rousseau's Legacy in Modern Chinese Political Culture: The Reception of Foreign Ideas and the Search for A Glorious Native Tradition
(PI: Dr. Fan Guangxin)


Sino-Foreign Relations in Chinese Christianity during the Republican Era
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


Social and Cultural Exchanges in Early Modern Amuria
(PI: Dr. Loretta KIM)


The Catholic Church in China: 1978 to the Present
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


The Chinese Path to Enlightenment
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


The Chinese Sisters of the Precious Blood and the Evolution of the Catholic Church
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


The Designs and Weaving Techniques of Early Chinese Textiles
(PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI)


The Glocalization of the Catholic Church in the Context of Higher Education in China in the First Half of the 20th Century
(PI: Prof Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


The Reception of German Romanticism in Early Twentieth Century China (PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


Trading Diaspora and Business Expansion - The Jewish Communities in India, Southeast Asia and Coastal China, 1830-1950
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Trading Diaspora in Southeast Asia and South China - The Big Hadhrami Merchant Families of Singapore, 1830-2010
(PI: Prof Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Traditional Korean Sports during the Koryö Dynasty (918-1392)
(PI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN)


Trafficking of Women and Children in Asia: A Contemporary Form of Slavery
(PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


Victor Elias Sassoon (1881-1961) and the Cathay Land Investment Company
(PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)


Works by Qing Women on Educating Their Children
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)

(C) TDG Projects

Dataset Development and Historical Research
(CI: Dr. Loretta KIM)


Fostering Student Autonomy and Instructor-Student Co-Teaching and Co-Publishing
(CI: Dr. Loretta KIM)


Re-examining Chinese History with a Gender Perspective: Introduction to New Teaching and Learning Approaches
(PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)


Teaching History in a New Era: Meeting the 2012 Challenges
(PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK; CI: Prof Clara Wing-chung HO)


Teaching Modern Chinese History through the Critical Use of Films
(TDG; PI: Dr. Guangxin FAN)

(D) Others

100 Chinese Protestant Christian Hymns from Qing China (DSG/2122/110)

(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Dr. Man Kong WONG) (2021-2022)


A Study of Artistic Pot Plants in Hong Kong

(Funding: The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust; PI: Mr. Vincent Chung-hang HO, Miss Novem Tsz-wing HO; Advisors: Prof. Joseph Sing-pao TING [CUHK], Prof. Kam-keung LEE, Mr. Mo-fat LAM [Hong Kong Penjing & Artstone Society] & Mr. King-man LEE [Penjing Association of Hong Kong]) (06/2021-11/2022)


A History of the Gurkha Soldiers in Hong Kong
(Funding: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)


A History of the Hong Kong Bible Conference Association
(Funding: Hong Kong Bible Conference Association Ltd.; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE) (01/2014-2019)


A Study of Memorial Parks in Honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Different Countries
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed] and Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation [at Institute of Creativity, HKBU]; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK and Dr. Raymond Kwun-sun LAU)


Agricultural Crops of Fujian under the Qing Dynasty
(Funding: Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies, HKBU; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)


An Interactive Map for Chinese History and History Subjects: The Battle of Hong Kong during the Second Sino-Japanese War (Dec 1941)

(Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG; CI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Prof. Timothy Man-kong WONG, Dr. David SCHLEY, Dr. Ka-chai TAM, Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Mr. Tony BANHAM, Mr. Yiu-lun TSOI, Mr. Tim-keung KO)


An International Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History
(Funding: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, Dr. Arthur C. F. Lau, & HKBU; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)


An Introduction to Gender, Class and Race

(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grant; PI: Dr. Fongfong CHEN)


Archaeological Discoveries in Hong Kong

(Funding: HKBU Student-as-Partner Grant; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)


Biographies of Church Leaders in Hong Kong
(Funding: The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)


Centenary History of the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union
(Funding: The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)


Community Project for Refugees in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants, PI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)


Current Issues in Hong Kong and China
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grant; PI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)


Consultancy for the EBD project “中史自學平台”, Phrase 1
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)


Consultancy for the EBD project “中史自學平台”
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK; PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM) (09/2020-08/2023)


Dr. Sun Yat-sen and His Teachers, Friends
(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)


Enhancing Students’ Graduate Attributes (GAs) through Problem Based Learning and Service Learning in Formal Academic Courses
(Funding: Member of the Community of Practice [CoP] Project; PI: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU)


Global China in the Modern Age
(Funding: HKBU Student-as-Partner Grant; PIs: Dr. Fongfong CHEN and Dr. Daniel Kam-Chau KWOK)


Historical Anthropology
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants, PI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)


Historical Geographic Information System Project (Battle of Hong Kong Map 1941)  (DSG201903)

(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Dr. Chi Man KWONG) (2019-2020)



Hong Kong Landscapes and the Arts of Late-Qing Loyalists (yilao)

(Funding: The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN; Advisors: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Prof. Harold Kar-leung MOK [CUHK])


Icons of Post-War Hong Kong
(Funding: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government; PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


Industrial Production and Unification of the Weight System in the Qin Empire
(Funding: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange; PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI) (2016.7.3-2018.6.30)


Intersectionality and Art Making in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants, PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)


Intersectionality and Marginalized Identities in Hong Kong
(Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grant; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)


Mapping Touristic Encounters in Southwest Asia
(Funding: HKBU Digital Scholarship Grant; PI: Dr. Elvan COBB) (03/2021-03/2023)


Memoirs of Dr. Lau Wah Sum
(Funding: private donation; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)


Nursing and the History of Everyday Life in Hong Kong: A History of the Kwong Wah Hospital Nurse Training School (Funding: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; PI: Prof. Man-kong WONG; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW) (06/2021-08/2022)


Local History of Yan Gardan and Dongguan
(Funding : HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants; PI Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)


Mid-Autumn Festival: The Pok Fu Lam Fire Dragon Dance

(Funding: Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department; PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG; Co-researchers: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Dr. LIU Wing-Shing, Dr. LO Shuk-ying; Academic Advisors: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI and Dr. Oiyan LIU) (07/2020-07/2023)


Pictorial Representation of Sun Yat-sen in Newspapers beyond China since the Late 19th Century

(Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed by Dr. Tan Siu Lin Foundation] and Research Matching Grant Scheme [RGC]; PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO; CI: Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK and Dr. Raymond Kwun-sun LAU) (2018.1.1-2021.12.31)


Post War Hong Kong Comics: A History
(Funding: Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR Government; PI: Prof. Ricardo King-sang MAK)


Production of the Learning and Teaching resource package “《想‧創—中國歷史學與教資源套 (第二輯)》” for the Revised Chinese History Curriculum

(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW) (11/2020-02/2021)


Production of the Learning and Teaching resource package “Flipped History (反轉歷史)” for the Chinese History Curriculum at Junior Secondary Level in Hong Kong
(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW)


Provisional of Service for Developing the Online e-Learning Platform to Promote Self-directed Learning in History to Support the Implementation of the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum

(Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (11/2020-02/2022)


Queen Elizabeth Hospital Oral History Project
(Funding: Queen Elizabeth Hospital; PI: Dr. Man-kong WONG)


Sino-Japanese War and Modern China
(Funding: Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)


Tao Xingzhi and Modern Chinese Education
(Funding: Chung Yeh Educational Organization Co. Ltd.; PI: Prof. Kai-wing CHOW)


Teaching Chinese History with 3D Models of Artifacts
(Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI; CI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM, Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Dr. Yuen-han LAW) (2020.6.1-2022.5.31)


The British Army Aid Group (1942-1945): A Historical Geographic Information System (HGIS) Project
(Funding: HKBU Knowledge Transfer Office Seed Fund; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)


The History of the Press in Pre-modern China

(Funding: HKBU Student-as-Partner Grant; PI: Dr. Fong-fong CHEN)


Using Modern Examples to Aid in Understanding Visual Appreciation of Tea Ceremony Described in Daguan Chalun
(FOSS Collaborative Research Grant; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI; CI: Dr. Simon HAN Quanbin and Dr. Jiang LEI)


Where "Hong Kong in the Sea" and "Hong Kong on the Land" Meet -- A Study on the Conservation of Historic Building Clusters in the Ap Lei Chau-Aberdeen-Lamma Island Area”

(Funding: Built Heritage Conservation Fund, Development Bureau, HKSAR; PI:Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG; CI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Dr. Kin-sum LI, Dr. Oiyan LIU, Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Prof. Wing-shing TANG, Mr. Tony Lam)