Teaching Staff
Dr. LI, Jie

P/T Lecturer
Department of History


Doctor of Philosophy, History, University of Edinburgh
Master of Arts, Comparative and Public History, Chinese University of Hong Kong


(852) 3411 6477


Modern and contemporary China
Chinese politics and society
China’s international relations since 1949
The Cold War
The histories of the Soviet Union and communism




  • Sovietology in Post-Mao China: Aspects of Foreign Relations, Politics, and Nationality, 1980-1999 (Hardback, ISBN: 978-90-04-54091-0) (E-Book (PDF), ISBN: 978-90-04-54092-7). Brill (in its series of Ideas, History, and Modern China), 2023.


Edited Book


  • Jie Li, and Daniel Johanson, Tsunghan Wu, eds. New Perspectives on China’s Relations with the World: National, Transnational, and International (ISBN: 978-1-910814-47-5). E-International Relations Publishing, 2019.


Book Chapters


  • “China’s Relations with the World: Changing Agenda, New Issues, and Ongoing Debates.” (co-authored with Daniel Johanson and Tsunghan Wu) In New Perspectives on China’s Relations with the World: National, Transnational, and International (ISBN: 978-1-910814-47-5), edited by Jie Li, and Daniel Johanson, Tsunghan Wu. E-International Relations Publishing, 2019, pp 1-6.

  • “Soviet Foreign Policies in the Early 1980s: A View from Chinese Sovietology.” In New Perspectives on China’s Relations with the World: National, Transnational, and International (ISBN: 978-1-910814-47-5), edited by Jie Li, and Daniel Johanson, Tsunghan Wu. E-International Relations Publishing, 2019, pp 115-132.

  • “The Use of Lenin in Chinese Sovietology in the 1990s.” In Modern China: Society, Culture and Literature (DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429197178) (ISBN: 9781138589902/9780429197178), edited by Geeta Kochhar. Routledge India, 2019, pp 162-183.


Journal Articles


  • “The 1990s Chinese Debates over Islamic Resurgence in Xinjiang by PRC Soviet Watchers.” Mapping China Journal, No. 4, 2020 (Special Essay Edition), pp 128-140.


  • “Lenin and the Debate on Chinese Socialism among PRC Soviet-watchers in Early 1980s China.” International Journal of China Studies (ISSN: 2180-3250), Volume 11, Number 1, June 2020, pp 145-171.

  • “The 1980s and 1990s Chinese Debates on Socialism: The Case of Gorbachev’s Glasnost.” China Studies (DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/chinesest2020.01.047) [ISSN: 2616-7328 (Online)/2409-904X (Print)], 2020, (1), pp 47-68.

  • “The Use of Lenin in Chinese Sovietology after 1989.” The International Newsletter of Communist Studies (ISSN: 1862-698X), Vol 24/25, No 31-32 (2018/2019), pp 121-147.

  • “The 1990s Chinese Debates Concerning the Causes for the Collapse of the Soviet Union among PRC Soviet-watchers: The Cases of Brezhnev and Stalin.” International Journal of China Studies (ISSN: 2180-3250), Volume 9, Number 2, August 2018, pp 163-199.

  • “Duidangjin Zhongguode Qianguomeng Zhifenxi” (對當今中國的強國梦之分析) (A Look into China’s Current Dream of Being a Great Power), Zhongguo Zhanlue Fenxi Jikan (中國戰略分析季刊 China Strategic Analysis Quarterly) (ISSN: 978-0-9981903-6-5), No. 2, 2018 (No. 7 since launch), May 30, 2018, pp 78-89.

  • “Gorbachev’s Glasnost and the Debate on Chinese Socialism among Chinese Sovietologists, 1985-1999.” Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies (ISSN: 2048-0601), Volume 6, December 2016, pp 35-65.

  • “Lenin in the Early 1980s China.” PONS AELIUS: Newcastle University Postgraduate Forum E-Journal, Edition 13, 2016, pp 48-60.

  • “Xinjiang’s Islamic Resurgence: A View from 1990s Chinese Sovietology.” Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D (Special Issue—Theory and Practice: How Islam Alters the Modern World) (ISSN: 2490-4228).


Book Reviews


  • “Tiananmenyu Zhongguo Weilai—Ping ‘The impact of China’s 1989 Tiananmen Massacre’” (天安門與中國未來—評《中國1989天安門慘劇的衝擊》) (Tiananmen and China’s Future: A Review on Jean-Philippe Béja, ed., The Impact of China’s 1989 Tiananmen Massacre), Minzhu Zhongguo (民主中國 Democratic China), January 25, 2017.

  • “Maoshidaide ‘Huangjin Suiyue’—Ping ‘The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945-57’” (毛時代的 “黄金歲月” —評《解放的悲劇:中國革命的歷史,1945-57》) (“The Golden Age” of Mao Zedong: A Review on Frank Dikötter, The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945-57), Jiyi (記憶 Remembrance), No. 169 (September 30), 2016, pp 41-58.


  • “Mimu Lide Lishi—Ping Bob T. Wakabayashi, ed., ‘The Nanking Atrocity, 1937-38: Complicating the Picture’” (迷霧裏的歷史) (A Mysterious History: A Review on Bob T. Wakabayashi, ed., The Nanking Atrocity, 1937-38: Complicating the Picture), Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (二十一世紀雙月刊) (ISSN: 1017-5725), April 2014, pp 142-151.

  • “Zhengzhiyu Tiyu—Ping Xu Guo-qi, ‘Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008’” (政治與體育) (Politics and Sports: A Review on Xu Guo-qi, Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008), Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (二十一世紀雙月刊) (ISSN: 1017-5725), February 2014, pp 152-159.


  • “Jingji Mingzhuhe Zhengzhi Mingzhu” (經濟民主和政治民主) (Economic Democracy and Political Democracy), Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (二十一世紀雙月刊) (ISSN: 1017-5725), October 2013, pp 160-161.

  • “Bingtaide Shehui, Bingtaide Rensheng—Ping ‘Yezhov: the Rise of Stalin's Iron Fist’” (病態的社會,病態的人生) (An Abnormal Society, An Abnormal Life— A Review on J. Arch Getty and Oleg V. Naumov, Yezhov: The Rise of Stalin’s “Iron Fist”), Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (二十一世紀雙月刊) (ISSN: 1017-5725), February 2013, pp 155-159.