Teaching Staff

Dr. FAN, Wing Chung
Senior Lecturer, Department of History
PhD, MPhil, BA (Hons) Hong Kong Baptist University
(852) 3411 5861
History of Korea;
Traditional Korean Confucianism;
Sino-Korean Relations;
Intellectual and Cultural History of China;
History and Culture of Comics in East Asia.
Books (Authored):
- 1. Memories of Hong Kong Comics(《我們都是這樣看港漫長大的》). Hong Kong: FeiFan Book(非凡出版), 2017.[184 pages]
- 2. New Perspectives on Chinese History: Theme A: Development of Traditional Chinese Culture in the Twentieth Century: Heritage and Changes(《新視野中國歷史——單元一:二十世紀中國傳統文化的發展:承傳與轉變》). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., Ltd., 2010.[180 pages]
- 3. “Serving the Great and Defend the Country”: Sino-Korean Relations during the Yüan-Ming TransitionShi Da Yu Bao Guo: Yuan Ming Zhi Ji De Zhong Han Guan Xi《事大與保國——元明之際的中韓關係》). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., Ltd., 2009.[296 pages]
Books (Co-authored):
- 1. With Fan Wing Yee and Yeung Ying Fai. Memories of Our Lives in the Public Housing Estates (《我們都是這樣在屋邨長大的》). Hong Kong: FeiFan Book(非凡出版), 2019.[176 pages](Recognized as One of “The 17th Top Ten Book Picks”[Secondary Division]announced by the HK Reading City)
Books (Co-edited):
- 1. With Chow Kai Wing, eds. East Asian World: Politics, Military, Culture (Dong Ya Shi Jie: Zheng Zhi, Jun Shi, Wen Hua《東亞世界:政治‧軍事‧文化》). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 2014.[404 pages]
- 2. Editorial Team of A History of Ma On Shan: Rise and Fall of the Mining Industry, ed. A History of Ma On Shan: Rise and Fall of the Mining Industry (Ma'anshan Feng Wu Zhi: Kuang Ye Xing Shuai 《馬鞍山風物志:礦業興衰》). Hong Kong: Sha Tin District Council, 2002.[96 pages]
Refereed Journal Articles:
- 1. “‘Vases’? ‘Fighting Women’? Female Images in Hong Kong Comics Oriental Heroes (Dragon Tiger Gate; Lóng Hǔ Mén)”, in Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, ed. The DONG-A MUN-HWA (The Journal of S.N.U. Institute for Asian Studies), No. 56. Seoul, Korea: Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, December 2018, pp. 185-234.[〈「花瓶」?「打女」?香港漫畫《龍虎門》內的女角形象〉,載大韓民國서울(首爾)大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所編:《東亞文化》,第56輯,서울(首爾)特別市:서울大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所,2018年12月,頁185-234。]
- 2. “Cultural Analysis on the Writings of Dangun Myth and Gija Joeson: Also on an Aspect of Historical Application”, in Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, ed. The DONG-A MUN-HWA (The Journal of S.N.U. Institute for Asian Studies), No. 55. Seoul, Korea: Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, December 2017, pp. 201-240.[〈檀君與箕子書寫文化溯源——兼談其歷史應用問題〉,載大韓民國서울(首爾)大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所編:《東亞文化》,第55輯,서울(首爾)特別市:서울大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所,2017年12月,頁201-240。]
- 3. “Imagery of Qu Yuan in Ancient Korean Literary Writing: With Special Attention to Anthology of Korean Literature (Tong-mun Sŏn)”, in Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, ed. The DONG-A MUN-HWA (The Journal of S.N.U. Institute for Asian Studies), No. 54. Seoul, Korea: Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, December 2016, pp. 65-97.[〈韓國古代文人作品中的屈原意象——以《東文選》為例〉,載大韓民國서울(首爾)大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所編:《東亞文化》,第54輯,서울(首爾)特別市:서울大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所,2016年12月,頁65-97。]
- 4. “A Study on the Mythification of Kim Yushin”, in Youngnam Culture Institute, Kyungpook National University, ed. Youngnamhak, Vol. 26. Daegu, Korea: Youngnam Culture Institute, Kyungpook National University, December 2014, pp. 425-472.[〈金庾信「仙化」探微〉,載대한민국 경북대학교 영남문화연구원(大韓民國慶北大學校嶺南文化研究院)編:《영남학》(《嶺南學》),제26호(第26號)。대구광역시(大邱廣域市):대한민국 경북대학교 영남문화연구원,2014年12月,頁425-472。]
- 5. “Inheritance and Significance of Sung Neo-Confucianism on the Korean Peninsula: With Special Attention to the Philosophical Thought of Kwon Geun”, in The Academy of Humanities, Kyungpook National University, ed. Journal of East-West Humanities, Vol. 1. Daegu, Korea: The Academy of Humanities, Kyungpook National University, March 2014, pp. 117-166.[〈宋代性理學在朝鮮半島的傳承與發揚——以權近的思想為討論中心〉,載대한민국 경북대학교 인문학술원(大韓民國慶北大學校人文學術院)編:《동서인문》(《東西人文》),통합 창간호(統合創刊號)。대구광역시(大邱廣域市):대한민국 경북대학교 인문학술원,2014年3月,頁117-166。]
- 6. “A Study on the Hau-Yi Distinction (Sino-Barbarian Dichotomy) of Yi Saek”, in Youngnam Culture Institute, Kyungpook National University, ed. Youngnamhak, Vol. 23. Daegu, Korea: Youngnam Culture Institute, Kyungpook National University, June 2013, pp. 209-254.[〈麗末名儒牧隱李穡的中華思想探析〉,載대한민국 경북대학교 영남문화연구원(大韓民國慶北大學校嶺南文化研究院)編:《영남학》(《嶺南學》),제23호(第23號)。대구광역시(大邱廣域市):대한민국 경북대학교 영남문화연구원,2013年6月,頁209-254。]
- 7. With Au Hin Fung, “Traditional Korean Stone Game”, in Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, ed. The DONG-A MUN-HWA (The Journal of S.N.U. Institute for Asian Studies), No. 50. Seoul, Korea: Institute for Asian Studies, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, October 2012, pp. 153-182.[與區顯鋒合著:〈韓國古代石戰探析〉,載大韓民國서울(首爾)大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所編:《東亞文化》,第50輯。서울(首爾)特別市:서울大學校人文大學東亞文化研究所,2012年10月,頁153-182。]
- 8. “Asian Spirit and the Foundation of Modern Chinese Culture: Intellectual Controversies in China during the Early 1920s”, in The Society for Chinese Historical Researches (Chungguksa Hakhoi), ed. Chungguksa Yongu (The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches), No. 80. Daegu, Korea: The Society for Chinese Historical Researches (Chungguksa Hakhoi), October 2012, pp. 203-250.[〈「亞洲精神」與現代中國文化建設——1920年代初中國知識界內的文化爭論〉,載大韓民國中國史學會編:《中國史研究》,第80輯。大邱廣域市:大韓民國中國史學會,2012年10月,頁203-250。]
- 9. “A Study of the Polo Sport in Tang Dynasty China”, in Singapore Society of Asian Studies, ed. Asian Culture (A Journal of the Singapore Society of Asian Studies), No. 36. Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies, August 2012, pp. 47-68.[〈唐代擊鞠探析〉,載新加坡亞洲研究學會編:《亞洲文化》,第三十六期。新加坡:新加坡亞洲研究學會,2012年8月,頁47-68。]
- 10. “Chinese Ball Games during the Tang Dynasty”, in The Society for Chinese Historical Researches (Chungguksa Hakhoi), ed. Chungguksa Yongu (The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches), No. 73. Daegu, Korea: The Society for Chinese Historical Researches (Chungguksa Hakhoi), August 2011, pp. 81-116.[〈唐代球類運動探析〉,載大韓民國中國史學會編:《中國史研究》,第73輯。大邱廣域市:大韓民國中國史學會,2011年8月,頁81-116。]
- 11. “Chinese Intellectual’s Perspectives on the Constitutional Monarchy During the Late Qing Period: With Special Emphasis on Eastern Miscellany”, in Singapore Society of Asian Studies, ed. Asian Culture (A Journal of the Singapore Society of Asian Studies), No. 34. Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies, June 2010, pp. 179-204.[〈晚清時期中國知識分子的君主立憲論——以《東方雜誌》為中心的探討〉,載新加坡亞洲研究學會編:《亞洲文化》,第三十四期。新加坡:新加坡亞洲研究學會,2010年6月,頁179-204。]
- 12. “The Proposals of Social Reform in the Eastern Miscellany During the Late Qing Period”, in The Society for Chinese Historical Researches (Chungguksa Hakhoi), ed. Chungguksa Yongu (The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches), No. 64. Daegu, Korea: The Society for Chinese Historical Researches (Chungguksa Hakhoi), February 2010, pp. 229-251.[〈《東方雜誌》所見之晚清社會改革方案〉,載大韓民國中國史學會編:《中國史研究》,第64輯。大邱廣域市:大韓民國中國史學會,2010年2月,頁229-251。]
Book Chapters:
- 1. “Images of Cantonese Culture in Hong Kong Comics: The Inheritance of the Folk Culture and It’s Modern Interpretation: With Special Emphasis on New Oriental Heroes”, in Man, Kit Wah, ed. Cantonese Culture in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2014, pp. 52-80.[〈「港漫」中的廣東文化形象:民俗文化之傳承與現代詮釋——以《新著龍虎門》為例〉,載文潔華主編:《香港嘅廣東文化》。香港:商務印書館,2014年,頁52-80。]
- 2. “From Practical Learning to Being Civilized: An Analysis on the Thought of Park Gyu-su”, in Chow Kai Wing and Fan Wing Chung, eds. East Asian World: Politics, Military, Culture(Dong Ya Shi Jie: Zheng Zhi, Jun Shi, Wen Hua). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 2014, pp. 267-302.[〈從實學到開化:朴珪壽思想淺析〉,載周佳榮、范永聰主編:《東亞世界:政治‧軍事‧文化》。香港:三聯書店,2014年,頁267-302。]
- 3. “Chinese Views of Korea During the Late Qing Period: With Special Emphasis on Eastern Miscellany”, in Chow Kai Wing and Hau Lai Ying, eds. Chinese Civilization: The Progress of Cultural Transformation. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., Ltd., 2010, pp. 152-165.[〈從《東方雜誌》看晚清中國人的韓國認識〉,載周佳榮、侯勵英主編:《中國文明——文化轉型的歷程》。香港:香港教育圖書公司,2010年,頁152-165。]
- 4. “Horse Racing and Sport Activities in Hong Kong”, in Chow Kai Wing, Hau Lai Ying and Chan Yuet Mei, eds. Reading Hong Kong: A Cultural Shuttle in the New Era(Yue Du Xianggang : Xin Shi Dai De Wen Hua Chuan Suo). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., Ltd., 2007, pp. 146-153.[〈香港賽馬及體育活動〉,載周佳榮、侯勵英、陳月媚主編:《閱讀香港:新時代的文化穿梭》。香港:香港教育圖書公司,2007年,頁146-153。]
- 5. “The Cultural Thought of Du Yaquan and the Cultural Controversies”, in Hu Chunhui and Zhou Huimin, eds. Liang An San Di Li Xhi Xue Yan Jiu Sheng Lun Wen Fa Biao Hui Lun Wen Ji. Hong Kong: Center for Asian Studies, Chu Hai College of Higher Education; Taipei: Department of History, National Chengchi University, 2001, pp. 131-157.[〈杜亞泉的文化思想與東西文化論戰〉,載胡春惠、周惠民主編:《兩岸三地歷史學研究生論文發表會論文集》。香港:香港珠海書院亞洲研究中心;臺北:國立政治大學歷史學系,2001年,頁131-157。]
- 1. “Another Dragon Boat Festival (Duanwu Festival): The Gangneung Danoje”, in Wenhui Bao(wenhui.news365.com.cn), 17th June, 2016.[〈有別於中國傳統的「江陵端午祭」〉,載《文匯報》(wenhui.news365.com.cn),2016年6月17日,「文匯學人」專欄。] http://whb.news365.com.cn/whxr/201606/t20160617_2534604.html(網絡版)
- 2. “A Study of the Football Games in Tang Dynasty China”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. Contemporary Historical Review, No. 41. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, March 2011, pp. 14-18.[〈唐代蹴鞠考略〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系編:《當代史學》,第十一卷第一期(總第41期)。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系,2011年3月,頁14-18。]
- 3. “A Study of the Polo Sport in Koryǒ Dynasty”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. History Education Forum, No. 14. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, August 2009, pp. 18-36.[〈高麗時代的擊毬運動〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系編:《歷史教育論壇》,第十四期。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系,2009年8月,頁18-36。]
- 4. “The Contribution of Feng Chengjun to the Researches for History of Southeast Asia”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. History and Culture, Vol. 5. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2009, pp. 81-112.[〈馮承鈞對東南亞史研究之貢獻〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系編:《歷史與文化》,第五卷。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系,2009年5月,頁81-112。]
- 5. “In Search of Chinese Cultural Paradigm: The Experience of Eastern Miscellany”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. History and Culture, Vol. 4. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, January 2009, pp. 1-19.[〈尋找中國文化範式——以《東方雜誌》的歷程為討論中心〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系編:《歷史與文化》,第四卷。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系,2009年1月,頁1-19。]
- 6. “The Importance and Cultural Significance of Eastern Miscellany”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. Contemporary Historical Review, No. 30. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, June 2007, pp. 42-47.[〈《東方雜誌》的重要性及其文化意義〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系近代史研究中心編:《當代史學》,第八卷第二期(總第30期)。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系近代史研究中心,2007年6月,頁42-47。]
- 7. “Heungseon Daewongun of Joseon and the Imo Incident”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. History and Culture, Vol. 3. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, May 2007, pp. 1-41.[〈朝鮮大院君與壬午軍亂〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系編:《歷史與文化》,第三卷。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系,2007年5月,頁1-41。]
- 8. “Perspectives on Chinese Culture of Eastern Miscellany During the Late Qing Period”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. History Education Forum, No. 11. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, June 2006, pp. 1-20.[〈晚清時期《東方雜誌》的中國文化論〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系編:《歷史教育論壇》,第十一期。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系,2006年6月,頁1-20。]
- 9. “Tumu Crisis and the Response of Joseon”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. Contemporary Historical Review, No. 27. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, March 2006, pp. 64-70.[〈明代土木之變與朝鮮的對應〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系近代史研究中心編:《當代史學》,第七卷第三期(總第27期)。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系近代史研究中心,2006年3月,頁64-70。]
- 10. With Au Hin Fung, “Uinyeo (Medicine Women) System of Joseon and Famous Uinyeo”, in Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, ed. Contemporary Historical Review, No. 25. Hong Kong: Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University, June 2005, pp. 1-11.[與區顯鋒合著:〈李氏朝鮮的醫女制度和著名醫女〉,載香港浸會大學歷史系近代史研究中心編:《當代史學》,第七卷第一期(總第25期)。香港:香港浸會大學歷史系近代史研究中心,2005年6月,頁1-11。]
- Plus some book reviews.