Teaching Staff

Dr. DING, Jie
Lecturer I, Department of History
PhD, MPhil Hong Kong Baptist University,
BA Nanjing University.
(852) 3411 5831
Intellectual History of Modern China, 1840-1949;
Chinese Cultural History;
Hong Kong Studies;
History of Chinese Women;
Journalism and Print Culture.
(I) Books
- Wah Kiu Yat Po (Overseas Chinese Daily News) and the Development of Chinese Society in Hong Kong,1925-1995 《華僑日報》與香港華人社會(1925-1995) (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 2014). 300 pp.
- W. Chow and Ding Jie, Changzhou Elite and Cultural Groups天下名士有部落:常州人物與文化群體 (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 2013). 262 pp.
- W. Chow and Ding Jie, A Research Guide to Chinese Women’s History 中國女性史閱覽入門 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 2010). 264 pp.
- W. Chow and Ding Jie, A Cultural History of Traditional Chinese Comics 連環圖畫與大眾閱讀 (Hong Kong: Sunya Publications, 2010). 111 pp.
- W. Chow and Ding Jie, Tao Xingzhi and Hong Kong “Chung Yeh” Education 陶行知與香港「中業」教育 (Hong Kong: Book Maker Publishing Co., 2010). 143 pp.
(II) Book Chapters
- “Universal Circulating Herald and Chinese Journalism in the Modern Period 《循環日報》與近代中國報業發展,” in K.W. Chow and Fan Wing Chung (eds.), East Asia World: Politics, Military and Culture 東亞世界:政治‧軍事‧文化(Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 2014), 101-113.
- “A Review of the Studies onChung Hwa Book Company 中華書局研究述評,” in K.W. Chow (ed.), Hundred Years of Publishing Tradition: Hong Kong Scholars on Chung Hwa Book Company 百年傳承:香港學者論中華書局 (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2012), pp.14-26.
- “Changzhou People in Chung Hwa Book Company 常州人與中華書局——以「民六危機」為中心,” in K.W. Chow (ed.), Hundred Years of Publishing Tradition: Hong Kong Scholars on Chung Hwa Book Company 百年傳承:香港學者論中華書局 (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2012), pp. 66-74.
- “Ding Richang’s Activities in Jiangsu 江蘇巡撫時期的丁日昌,” in Joseph Ting, K.W. Chow and Mak King Sang(eds.), Ding Richang and Modern China 丁日昌與近代中國 (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2011), 65-74.
- “The Career and Marriage of Tao Xingzhi 陶行知的事業和婚姻——兼評徐志輝、盧愛萍主編《吳樹琴與陶行知》,”in K.W. Chow and Man Siu Kin (eds.) Collected Essays on Tao Xingzhi and Modern Chinese Education 陶行知與近代中國教育 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 2010), 370-383.
- “Summary of Publication Industry in Hong Kong in 2008 2008年香港圖書出版綜述,” in Book Almanac of China 2009 中國圖書年鑑2009 (Hubei: Hubei People’s Publishing, 2009), pp 135-139.
- “Summary of Publication Industry in Hong Kong in 2007 2007年香港圖書出版綜述,” in Book Almanac of China 2008 中國圖書年鑑2008 (Hubei: Hubei People’s Publishing, 2008), pp 87-91.
(III) Journal Articles
- “The View of Chinese Newspapers during the Russo-Japanese War: A Study of Liang Qichao’s Xin Min Cong Bao, 日俄戰爭時期的中文報導和評論——以梁啓超主編《新民叢報》為線索,” Asian Studies 亞洲研究, No.71(2016), pp95-109.
- “Jiang Weiqiao and The Commercial Press in Shanghai 從編輯到教育家——蔣維喬與早期上海商務印書館,” Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong Bulletin 香港中國近代史學會會刊, no. 14 (2014), pp9-16.
- “The Format and Characteristic of Newspapers in Early Hong Kong 香港早期中文報紙的版面和特色——以《香港中外新報》為例,” Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong Bulletin 香港中國近代史學會會刊, no. 12 (2014), pp.4-37.
- “Wah Kiu Yat Po (Overseas Chinese Daily News) and Its Associate Newspapers 從港澳到海外——《華僑日報》及其聯營報紙,” Macao Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Journal 澳門學誌, no. 1 (2013), pp. 3-17.
- “The Female Intellectual of Changzhou in the Qing Period 毗陵多閨秀:清代常州才媛,” Contemporary Historical Review 當代史學, vol. 11, no.1 (2011), pp.26-29.
- “A Study of the Historical Documents in Po Leung Kuk 保良局文獻資料與研究概況,” History Education Forum 歷史教育論壇, no. 12 (2004), pp.8-13.
- “The Establishment and Development of Po Leung Kuk 香港保良局的成立和發展,” Contemporary Historical Review 當代史學, vol. 8, no.1 (2004), pp10-20.
- “The Change of the Status and Role of the Po Leung Kuk Chairpersons 香港保良局歷屆主席社會地位及角色的演變,” History and Culture歷史與文化, vol.3 (2004), pp. 63-79.
Conference Papers
- “The image analysis of the Ladies’ Journal 《婦女雜誌》的圖像研究”, paper presented at “Reform and Opening-up Policy & Women/Gender Studies Seminar 改革開放與婦女/性別史研究學術研討會” organized by Shanghai Normal University, 8-9 December 2018.
- “The image analysis of the Ladies‘ Journal 《婦女雜誌》的圖像研究”, paper presented at “China and the World——Struggling for a New World: The First World War Centenary Conference, 中國與世界——競逐新世界:第一次世界大戰百週年紀念國際研討會” jointly organized by the Department of History-Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies; and Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong, 3-4 April 2018.
- “A Study of Hwa Shiang Bao in Hong Kong 香港華商報出版始末”, paper presented at “International Symposium on the Studies of Hong Kong's History and Society 香港的歷史與社會研究國際學術研討會,” jointly organized by the Department, the Modern History Research Centre, Centre for Hong Kong History and Culture Studies of Chu Hai College of Higher Education, New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies, and the Hong Kong Museum of History , 1-2 December 2016.
- “Zhang Deyi and Li Gui, the earliest Chinese who travelled around the world 張德彝和李圭——最早環遊地球一周的中國人”, paper presented at “Voyages, Migration and the Maritime Silk Road: An International Symposium on China’s Role in Global History,” jointly organized by the HKBU’s History Department, Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Zheng He Society of New York, 7-8 December 2015.
- “The Female Intellectual of Changzhou in the Qing Period 毗陵多閨秀:清代常州才媛群體淺析,” paper presented at “Historical Sources and Issues: A Symposium on the History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties「明清史史料與課題」研討會,” organized by the History Department, Modern History Research Centre and the Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies,9–10 January 2015.
- “The View of Chinese Newspapers in during the Russo-Japanese War: A Study of Liang Qichao’s Xin Min Cong Bao, 日俄戰爭時期的中文報導和評論——以梁啓超主編《新民叢報》為線索,” paper presented at “International Conference on the Russo-Japanese War,” jointly organized by Center for Asian Studies, Chu Hai College and Liaoning University, June 1, 2014.
- “Jiang Weiqiao and The Commercial Press in Shanghai 從編輯到教育家——蔣維喬與早期上海商務印書館,” paper presented at “ 2nd Conference on East Asian Culture and International Relations 第二屆東亞文化與國際關係研討會”, jointly organized by the Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, the Department of History and the Modern History Research Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, June 16-17, 2014.
- “Wah Kiu Yat Po (Overseas Chinese Daily News) and the Welfare and Education of Hong Kong 《華僑日報》與香港福利文教事業,” paper presented at “Transformation and Transmission: Young Scholars’ Conference on China Studies, jointly organized by Hong Kong Baptist University and Tsinghua University, Dec 9-10, 2013.
- “Universal Circulating Herald and Chinese Journalism in the Modern Period 《循環日報》與近代中國報業發展,” paper presented at “1st Conference on East Asian Culture and International Relations 第一屆東亞文化與國際關係研討會”,jointly organized by the Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, the Department of History and the Modern History Research Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, April 2, 2013.
- “The Format and Characteristic of Newspapers in Early Hong Kong 香港早期中文報紙的版面和特色——以《香港中外新報》為例,”paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium in Sinicization, Barbarization, Westernization 第三屆「漢化‧胡化‧洋化」國際學術研討會,” organized by History Department of Taiwan National Chung-Cheng University, History Department of Beijing Normal University, History Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, History Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong, Dec 6-7, 2012.
- “Wah Kiu Yat Po (Overseas Chinese Daily News) and Its Associate Newspapers 從港澳到海外——《華僑日報》及其聯營報紙,” paper presented at “International Conference on China and the World 「中國與世界」國際學術研討會”, jointly organized by History Department of Hong Kong Baptist University and History Department of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Nov 17-18, 2011.
- “Changzhou and the Revolution of 1911 常州與辛亥革命,” paper presented at “International Conference on the Centenary of China's 1911 Revolution 辛亥革命百周年紀念國際學術研討會”, jointly organized by History Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, Modern Chinese History Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Museum of History, May 6-7, 2011.
- “Ding Richang’s Activities in Jiangsu 江蘇巡撫時期的丁日昌,” paper presented at “the Symposium on Ding Richang and Modern China 丁日昌與近代中國研討會”, jointed organized by the Modern History Research Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University, the Modern Chinese Society of Hong Kong the Hong Kong Museum of History, Dec 4, 2008.
- “Shijie Publishing Company and Traditional Chinese Comics in Modern China 世界書局與近代連環圖畫的興起,”paper presented at “the third annual conference of The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK) 第三屆香港亞洲研究學會研討會,” jointed organized by ASAHK and Modern History Research Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University, 11-12 January 2008.