Teaching Staff

Dr. KWOK, Kam Chau
Lecturer I, Department of History
PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
BA (Hons), York University.
(852) 3411 5939
The History of the Lineage in South China;
Festival and Popular Religion in Chinese Societies;
Chinese Social and Economic History.
- Principal Investigator, Local history of Yan Gardan and Dongguan, (Funding : HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants)
- Principal Investigator, Community Project for Refugees in Hong Kong, (Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants)
- Principal Investigator, Rural-Urban Development, (Funding: HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants)
- Commissioned Research for Aberdeen Kai Fong Association, Topic: “Oral History of Aberdeen Kai Fong Association”
- Co-Researcher, Mid-Autumn Festival: The Pok Fu Lam Fire Dragon Dance (Funding: Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department.)
- Co-Investigator, A Study of Memorial Parks in Honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Different Countries, (Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed] and Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation [at Institute of Creativity, HKBU])
- Co-investigator, A Global Study of Streets Named after Sun Yat-sen, (Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed] and Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation [at Institute of Creativity, HKBU])
- Co-Investigator, Pictorial Representation of Sun Yat-sen in Newspapers beyond China since the Late 19th Century, (Funding: Dr. Sun Yat-sen Research Fund [Endowed])
- Co-Investigator, Where "Hong Kong in the Sea" and "Hong Kong on the Land" Meet -- A Study on the Conservation of Historic Building Clusters in the Ap Lei Chau-Aberdeen-Lamma Island Area”, (Funding: Built Heritage Conservation Fund, Development Bureau, HKSAR)
- Co-Investigator, Teaching Chinese History with 3D Models of Artifacts (Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK)
- 《宋明間徽州祖先祭祀的變化》,The Change of Ancestral Worship from the Song to the Ming Dynasty, (Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she合肥:安徽大學出版社, forthcoming, late 2020).
- 〈宋明時期的祖先祭祀和地方社會〉 “The Ancestral Worship and Local Society from the Song to the Ming Dynasty”,,in Wang Zhen Zhong, (ed) 王振忠編. the Study of Huizhou Document and Chinese History, vol. 1 《徽州文書與中國史研究》第一輯, (Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company, 2019 上海:中西書局,2019).
- 〈自然環境與宗族的相互影響——以明清時期徽州巖寺鎮為中心〉 “The Relationship between Huizhou Lineage and Natural Environment in the Ming and Qing Dynasties---A Case of Yansi Town”, in Zhou, Jianyu ( ed.) 周建渝編, Health, Peace, and Sustainability: Humanities and Social Science Perspectives 《健康、和平、可持續發展:人文社會的科學的視野》, (Hong Kong: The Research Institute for the Humanities, 2013 香港:人文學科研究所), pp. 133-160.
- 〈紀念陸鴻基老師 (1946年-2016年3月23日) 〉(In memory of Prof. LUK Hung Kay), Modern History Research Centre Newsletter
- 《近代史研究中心通訊》, Vol.1/Nov 2016, pp. 50-52.
- 〈明朝徽州的合族過程——以巖鎮吳氏為中心〉(The Process of Lineage Integration in Huizhou—A Case Study of Wu Lineage), Huixue《徽學》, Vol. 7 (December 2011), pp. 182-197.
- 〈明清時期徽州宗族的發展和義田——以棠樾鮑氏為中心〉(The Development of Lineage and the Management of Charitable Land in Huizhou from Ming to Qing Dynasty—A Case Study of the Baos Lineage in Tangyue Village), Journal of History and Anthropology
- 《歷史人類學學刊》, vol. 7, no1 (April 2009), pp. 43-91.
- 〈自然環境與宗族的相互影響——以明清時期徽州巖寺鎮為中心〉,周建渝主編,《健康、和平、可持續發展——人文社會科學的視野》,(香港:香港中文大學人文學科研究所,2013),頁133-160。
- 〈明朝徽州的合族過程——以巖鎮吳氏為中心〉,《徽學》,第七卷,(2011年12月),頁182-197。
- 〈明清時期徽州宗族的發展和義田——以棠樾鮑氏為中心〉,《歷史人類學學刊》,第七卷,第一期(2009年4月),頁43-91。
- 〈一個旅遊景點的演技〉,《明報》,2006年10月13日。