Academic Staff
Dr. LI, Kin Sum (Sammy)

Associate Professor, Department of History


Ph.D. Princeton University,
Certificate of the Princeton-in-Ishikawa Japanese Language Program,
M. Phil. and B.A. Chinese University of Hong Kong.


(852) 3411 7176


Art History and Archaeology of Ancient China;
Cultural Exchanges along the Silk Routes;
History of Mass Production;
History of Industrial Revolutions across World Civilizations.


Refereed Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters


a. Research Book or Monograph


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2017. Universe within Inches: Bronze Mirrors Donated by Professor Mark Kai-keung 方圓天地——麥氏贈鏡. Bilingual (English and Chinese). Hong Kong: Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

b. Chapters in Edited Books


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2021. “Chudi de daguimo shengchan – yi tongjing, sizhipin weili” 楚地的大規模生產——以銅鏡、絲織品為例 (Mass production in the Chu area – examples from bronze mirrors and textiles), in Chuwenhua yu Changjiang Zhongyou Zaoqi Kaifa Guoji Xueshu Yantaohui lunwenji 楚文化與長江中游早期開發國際學術研討會論文集 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Chu Culture and Early Development of the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River), edited by Xu Shaohua 徐少華 et al., 63-72. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). (Accepted). “Qingtongjing yanjiu de fansi yu fazhan” 青銅鏡研究的反思與發展 (Reflections on the field of bronze mirror studies and its development), in the 2020 issue of the Guoji Hanxue luncong 國際漢學論叢 (International Papers on Sinology), eds. Huang Kuan-yun 黃冠雲 and Yu I-fei 游逸飛.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2018. “Cultural Interactions throughout the South China Sea,” in Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role, eds. Ho, Clara Wing-chung, Ricardo K. S. Mak, and Tam Yue-him, pp. 91-120. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. DOI:


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2018. “Helihuo Dao yu wenwu jiaoyi” 荷李活道與文物交易 (Hollywood Road and Trades of Antiques), in Helihuo Dao: xunmi wangri fenghua 荷李活道:尋覓往日風華 (Hollywood Road: in search of past splendor), eds. Zheng Hongtai 鄭宏泰 and Zhou Wengang 周文港, pp. 81-104. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company.

Refereed Journal Publications


  • *LI, Kin Sum (Sammy), Quanyu WANG, J. Keith WILSON, Fan Jeremy ZHANG, Jody Ho Yee CHEUNG, Tsz Hin CHUN, Sum LAM, Mingyong PANG, Haoran XIE, Mingqiang WEI, and Kin San LEE. 2021. “Decorated Model, Replication, and Assembly Line of the Bronze Industrial Production in 500 BCE China,” Early China (CUP), vol. 44, pp. 109-42. DOI:


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2020. “What Elites Actually Wore in 500-300 BCE China: Evidence from Textiles, Bamboo, and Bronzes,” Early China (CUP), vol. 43, pp. 161-205, DOI:


  • Wang, Jidong, Jiajia Dai, Kin-Sum Li, Jun Wang, Mingqiang Wei, *Mingyong Pang. 2018. “Cost-effective printing of 3D Objects with Self-Supporting Property,” The Visual Computer, pp. 1-13, DOI:



  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2017. “The Design Origins of Qin Metal Weights,” Artibus Asiae, vol. LXXVII (77), no. 1, pp. 91-110.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2017. “To Rule by Manufacture: Measurement Regulation and Metal Weight Production in the Qin Empire,” T’oung Pao, vol. 103, issue 1-3, pp. 1-32.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2014. “Designs within Circular Frames: Bronze Mirrors in Northeast Asia, 600-100 BC,” in NMK 2014 Museum Network Fellowship Research Papers, ed. National Museum of Korea, pp. 2-13. Seoul: National Museum of Korea.

Conference Papers


a. Refereed

  • Chan, Connie C.W., Li, K.S. (Sammy), Ngan, Henry Y.T. 2017. “Weaving Pattern Recognition of Ancient Chinese Textiles by Regular Bands Analysis,” Electronic Imaging, Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Applications using Computer Vision 2017, pp. 31-6. Society for Imaging Science and Technology. DOI:

b. Invited


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). (Accepted). “Qindai liangqi de shengchan yu jingzhun kongzhi” 秦代量器的生產與精準控制, in Zhanguo ji Qin Han shiqi wenxian yu chutu wenshu de lishi kaocha: Zhongguo jianboxue guoji luntan 2019 戰國及秦漢時期文獻與出土文書的歷史考察:中國簡帛學國際論壇2019, Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 12-15, 2019.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2018. “Chudi de daguimo shengchan” 楚地的大規模生產 (Mass production in the Chu area – examples from bronze mirrors and textiles), in Chuwenhua yu Changjiang Zhongyou zaoqi kaifa guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji (shang) 楚文化與長江中游早期開發國際學術研討會論文集(上) (Proceedings of the International Conference on Chu Culture and the Early Development of the Middle Reach of the Yangtze River), vol. 1, pp. 134-51. Wuhan: Wuhan University.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2016. “The Qin faduliang Edict and the Design and Production of the Metal Weights,” in Excavated Manuscripts and Material Culture: Fifth Young Scholars Forum on Excavated Manuscripts, ed. Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, pp. 307-38. Hong Kong Baptist University.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2015. “Ancient Jade and Glass: Cultural Interactions throughout the South China Sea,” in Voyages, Migration and the Maritime Silk Road: An International Symposium on China’s Role in Global History, Hong Kong Baptist University.


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2009. “The Inheritance and Innovation of Buddhist Art: A Perspective of Cultural Dynamics of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist Art” 佛教藝術的傳承與創新:中國與藏傳佛教藝術文化互動之初探, in Proceedings of the World Buddhist Forum: Buddhist Art and Cultural Enterprises 世界佛教論壇論文集 (佛教的藝文事業), pp. 156-61. Taiwan: Huafan University.

Creative and Literary Works

a. Research Exhibitions Curated


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2017. Invited guest curator of an exhibition: “Universe within Inches: Bronze Mirrors Donated by Professor Mark Kai-keung” 方圓天地:麥氏贈鏡, Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, August 12 to September 17, 2017. Reviews of the exhibition appear in multiple newspapers, including “Tongjing cang gushi jiagu xian wenming” 銅鏡藏故事 甲骨顯文明 (Stories hidden in bronze mirrors and civilizations revealed in oracle bones), Takungpao, August 25, 2017.


b. Translation


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). (Forthcoming) 「中國銅鏡的技術分析」, 來國龍編. 《他山攻錯:西方中國青銅器技術研究論文精選集》. Chinese translation of the article “The Technical Analysis of Chinese Mirrors,” by David Scott, in The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors, vol. 2, pp. 198-233.

Other Outputs

Book Review


  • LI, Kin Sum (Sammy). 2016. Book review of Charles Sanft, Communication and Cooperation in Early Imperial China: Publicizing the Qin Dynasty, in Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 饒宗頤國學院院刊, vol. 3, pp. 361-5. This was translated into Chinese by Tan Ren 談仁, “評陳力強《早期帝制中國的溝通與協作——秦王朝的宣傳工程》,” “漢學英華——饒宗頤國學院院刊增刊,” eds. Meng Fei 孟飛 and Chan Chok Meng 陳竹茗, Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book, 2018, pp. 303-8.

a. Externally-funded (refereed)


As principal investigator:


  • 2023.1.1-2025.12.31: Casting Two-tone Bells in Ancient China: Designs and Manufacturing Techniques


  • 2020.6.1-2022.5.31: Teaching Chinese History with 3D Models of Artifacts 中國歷史教學與3D文物 (Quality Education Fund, Hong Kong Government)


  • 2019.12.1-2022.11.30: Attaining Accuracy and Precision of Measuring Containers during the Qin Dynasty (Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong)


  • 2018.8.1-2020.7.31: Turquoise Technology and Resource Procurement in China: From the Early Neolithic Jiahu to the Bronze Age Erlitou (General Research Fund, RGC, Hong Kong)


  • 2017.11.1-2020.10.31: The Production, Function, and Revitalization of Silk Textiles from Ancient China (General Research Fund, RGC, Hong Kong)


  • 2016.10.1-2019.9.30: The Mass Production of Bronzes in 500-300 BC China (General Research Fund, RGC, Hong Kong)


  • 2016.7.1-2018.6.30 (24 months): Industrial Production and Unification of the Weight System in the Qin Empire (Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange)


As co-investigator:


  • Where ‘Hong Kong in the Sea’ and ‘Hong Kong on the Land’ Meet – A Case Study on the Conservation of Historic Building Clusters in the Ap Lei Chau-Aberdeen-Lamma Island Area. PI: Stephanie Chung Po-yin (Built Heritage Conservation Fund, Development Bureau, HKSAR Government)


  • Key Techniques on Context-Aware Geometry Processing of Bas-Relief Surface. PI: Xie Haoran (Dean’s Research Fund 2016-17, The Education University of Hong Kong)


As academic advisor:


  • As Advisory Board Member, Judge, and Program Partner of “Jockey Club Augmented Reality in Arts Education Project” Initiator: Osage Art Foundation Limited (The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust)


  • Mid-Autumn Festival – the Pok Fu Lam Fire Dragon Dance. PI: Chung Po-yin, Stephanie (Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR)


b. Internally-funded


  • Organizing Conference “The City and the State in the Ancient World” with Dr. Rebecca Robinson (Research Committee Conference Grant, HKBU; Plus Additional Sponsorship from the Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology)


  • Organizing Two Lectures for the lecture series “How to Build Smart Society (Faculty of Social Sciences, HKBU; ESRI China Hong Kong)


  • Utilizing 3D scanner to measure and record massive scaled sites of cultural heritages for research and preservation (Equipment Matching Fund, HKBU)


  • Using Modern Examples to Aid in Understanding Visual Appreciation of Tea Ceremony Described in the Daguan chalun 大觀茶論 (Faculty Collaborative Research Grant, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKBU)


  • The Designs and Weaving Techniques of Early Chinese Textiles (Faculty Research Grant, HKBU)


  • Faculty Research Incentive Scheme (HKBU)


  • Start-up grant (HKBU)