Director, Academy of Chinese, History, Religion and Philosophy
Professor, Department of History
Editor, Medical History: An International Journal for the History of Medicine and Related Sciences (Cambridge University Press)
Honorary Research Senior Fellow in History, The University of Queensland, Australia
Fellow, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (FRAS)
Fellow, Royal Historical Society (FRHistS)
Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK (SFHEA)
PhD MPhil The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
BA (Hons) Hong Kong Baptist College.
(852) 3411 5062
History of public health in Hong Kong;
History of Christianity and Christian Missions in China;
Late Qing to Early Republican China;
Hong Kong in Modern Chinese History;
Oral History
A. Books
- [Co-editor] Nursing Education at the Kwong Wah Hospital and the Everyday Life History in Hong Kong: An Oral History. 提燈者言:廣華醫院護理教育歷史. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Books Co.中華書局, 2022).
- (co-edit) Hong Kong History: Themes in Global Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
- (editor) Medical Services in Hong Kong and Christianity: An Oral History 痌瘝在抱:香港醫療服務發展與基督教口述歷史 Hong Kong: The Chinese Christian Churches Union, 2020.
- (co-edit) Instant in Season, Out of Season: The Chinese Church during the Civil War Period 務要傳道:內戰時期的中國教會 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2019.
- (co-edit) A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2018.
- (co-edit) Between Continuity and Changes: Studies on the History of Chinese Christianity since 1949. 《恆與變之間——1949年以來的中國基督教史論集》 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2017.
- (co-author) Health Policy and Disease in Colonial and Post-colonial Hong Kong, 1841-2003. London: Routledge, 2016.
- (co-author) A History of Hong Kong Baptist University, 1956-2016. 《香港浸會大學六十年發展史》 Hong Kong: The Joint Publishing Company 三聯書店, 2016.
- (co-author) Reaching a New Milestone: Sixty Years of Excellence at Hong Kong Baptist University. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 2016.
- (co-edit) Faster, Higher, Stronger: An Oral History of Olympism and Sportsmanship in Hong Kong. 更快、更高、更強:人生的體驗. Hong Kong: Cosmos Books Ltd. 天地圖書有限公司, 2016.
- Journey to Tsinghua: an oral history of the Summer Sojourn of the China Studies Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University 青春結伴近春園: 香港浸會大學中國研究課程清華暑期研修班廿五周年口述史. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 2016.
- (co-author) The street corner of our generation: Old photos of Hong Kong, 1950-1970. 這代人的街角: 香港民生影像, 1950-1970. Hong Kong: Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Ltd. 商務印書館(香港)有限公司, 2015.
- (co-edit) Western Tides Coming Ashore in a Changing World:Christianity and China's Passage into Modernity 《變局下的西潮:基督教與中國的現代性》 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2015.
- (co-author) A Centenary History of St. Paul’s Church, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. 香港聖公會聖保羅堂百年史. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Bookstore 中華書局, 2013.
- (co-edit) The Religion Spread through the Ten Circuits: Studies in Modern Chinese Christianity through Regional Perspectives. 《法流十道:近代中國基督教區域史研究》 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2013.
- For the Future: Sir Edward Youde and Educational Changes in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publications, 2007.
- Cross-cultural Perspectives on the History of Chinese Protestantism: A Collection of Essays《跨文化視野下的中國基督教史論集》. Taipei: Cosmic Light 宇宙光, 2006.
- (Co-author) A History of Hong Kong Baptist University, 1956-2006 《篤信力行:香港浸會大學五十年》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006.
- (Co-edit) Studies in Social and Cultural History of Hong Kong《香港社會與文化史論集》. Hong Kong: United College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002.
- (Co-author) The Centenary History of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong 《香港中華總商會百年史》. Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2002.
- (Co-edit) Wang Tao and the Modern World 《王韜與近代世界》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company, 2000.
- (Co-author) Remains in Memories: Hong Kong and its People, 1950s to 1970s: Selected Photos from Mr. Chung Man-luck 《戰後香港軌跡:民生苦樂》. Hong Kong: Commercial Books, Ltd. 1997. [fourth printing in June 2001]
- (Co-author) Remains in Memories: Hong Kong and its Society, 1950s to 1970s: Selected Photos from Mr. Chung Man-luck 《戰後香港軌跡:社會掠影》. Hong Kong: Commercial Books, Ltd. 1997). [fourth printing in June 2001]
- James Legge: A Pioneer at Crossroads of East and West. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company, 1996.
B. Recent Articles and Book Chapters
- “An Encounter between Christian Medical Missions and Chinese Medicine in Modern History: The Case of Benjamin Hobson.” Religions 15, no. 5: 583 (2024). https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15050583
- “Ying Wa Boys in Early Colonial Hong Kong.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 86, no. 2 (2023): 335–49. doi:10.1017/S0041977X23000472.
- “The Language of Power: The Politics of Translation between English and Chinese in Early Colonial Hong Kong.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. 33:1 (2023):155-177. (Cambridge University Press)
- “Upon Full Evidence: Su Ching’s Studies of the History of Christian Missions in Nineteenth Century China 十分材料十分話:蘇精的十九世紀中國基督教史研究,” Jian Dao: A Journal of Bible & Theology 建道學刊 (Alliance Bible Seminary) Vol. 54 (July 2020): 251-271.
- “Introduction: An Educational Experiment 前言:一個教育的實驗” To Carry on with Love for Half-a-century: An Oral History of Organ Donation and Transplant in Hong Kong 愛‧延續50載:香港器官捐贈及移植口述歷史 (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Co., Ltd. 三聯書店(香港)有限公司) 2019, pp. 12-15.
- (co-author), “Introduction.” Instant in season, out of season: The Chinese Church during the Civil War Period 務要傳道:內戰時期的中國教會 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2019, pp. vii-xv.
- “The Interactivity of Interdisciplinarity: Lauren F. Pfister and His Approach towards Studies of Chinese Christianity.” In Instant in season, out of season: The Chinese Church during the Civil War Period, pp. 479-94.
- “James Legge and the Hollywood Road Community 理雅各與荷李活道社區.” In Victor Zheng 鄭宏泰 & Chow Man Kong 周文港 eds., Hollywood Road: In Search of Things Past 《荷李活道:尋覓往日風華》 Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd. 2018 中華書局 pp. 2-31.
- “A bibliography of English and Chinese academic writings on the History of Hong Kong, 1997-2015香港歷史學術研究中英文論著書目(1997-2015)” in Wang Gungwu 王賡武ed., Hong Kong History: New Perspectives 《香港史新編》 Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company 三聯書店, 2017. pp. 975-1098.
- (co-author), “Introduction.” In Between Continuity and Change: Studies on the History of Chinese Christianity since 1949. 《恆與變之間:1949年以來的中國基督教史論集》 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2017, pp. iii-xi.
- (co-author) “A Trailblazer in Hong Kong History: The academic career of Ng Lun Ngai Ha 港史開拓者:吳倫霓霞師的教研工作.” History Department of CUHK ed., Past and Present, East and West: Historiography in Fifty Years. 貫古通今、融東會西:扎根史學五十年. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company 三聯書店,2016.
- "The Use of Sinology in the Nineteenth Century: Two Perspectives Revealed in the History of Hong Kong", in John Carroll & Chi-kwan Mark eds, Critical Readings on the Modern History of Hong Kong, 4 vols. Leiden: Brill, 2015. Vol. 4, pp. 1347-1370.
- “Introduction,” “The YSL's Morrisonian Challenge,” Western Tides Coming Ashore in a Changing World:Christianity and China's Passage into Modernity 《變局下的西潮:基督教與中國的現代性》 (Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2015): vii-xix, 751-762.
- “Lee Kau Yan 李求恩(1882-1962),” “Mok Sau Tseng 莫壽增(1866-1943),” “Paul Tso 曹思晃(1895-1960),” “Hsu Ti-shan 許地山(1864-1941),” “Arthur Woo 胡惠德(1888-1964),” “Ts'o Seen Wan 曹善允(1868-1953),” in Lee Kam Keung 李金強 ed., Biographies of Church Leaders in Hong Kong 香港教會人物傳 Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union 香港華人基督教聯會, 2014): 23-25, 113-117, 118-122, 247-252, 297-301, 342-346.
- “Nineteenth Century Missionary-Scholars at Work: A Critical Review of English Translations of Daodejing by John Chalmars and James Legge,” Monumenta Serica 63 (2015): 124-149.
- “Introduction: A special issue on the history of public health in Asian Ports,” Journal of Comparative Asian Developments 11:1 (June 2012): 1-2.
- “The Stories of Urban Christian Women in Nineteenth Century South China: With Special Reference to the Missionary-related Sources,” Clara Ho ed., Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2012, 543-570.
- “Of Sagacity: Biography of Sir Edward Youde,” Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund: The 25th Anniversary Commemorative Album (Hong Kong: Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund, 2012): 38-43.
- “History Matters: Christian Studies in China since 1949.” Monumenta Serica (Sankt Augustin, Germany) 58 (2010), pp. 335-356. [On the basis of mutual consensus, this article is concurrently published in Christianity and History in Korea. (Seoul) 32 (2010), pp. 341-376.]
- “The Legacy of Carl Thurman Smith.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research. (Overseas Ministries Study Centre, New Haven , USA) 34:4 (October 2010), pp. 29-232.
- “The Contexts and the Texts of Pupils’ Sample Scripts from the Morrison School.” In Peter Chen-main Wang 王成勉 ed. Profound Pondering before the Cross: Essays on Textual Reading and Hermeneutics of Christian Classics 《十字架前的思索──文本解讀與經典詮釋》. Taipei: Limin Publishing Company, 2010, pp. 463-521.
- "1977 Nian Yingguo Wenhua Xiehui Gaodeng Jiaoyu Daibiaotuan Fang Hua ji qi Lishi Yiyi" 1977年英國文化協會高等教育代表團訪華及其歷史意義 (The British Council Higher Education Delegation to China in 1977). In Chow Kai Wing 周佳榮 ed. Chinese Civilization: The Historical Appraisals of Aspects of Cultural Transformation. 《中國文明:文化轉型的歷程》 Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company, 2010, 90-106.
- "Biculturality as Modernity: A Hypothesis about the Origins of Modern Hong Kong." Stephen Chu & Eva Man ed., Contemporary Asian Modernities: Transnationality, Interculturality and Hybridity. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010, 145-166.
- 中英關係、商貿機會、科技轉移:對1975年中英「斯貝202」發動機專利合同及其時代意義的解讀 Sino-British Relations, Business Opportunities, Technology Transfer: A Reading of the Sale of "Spey 202" to China. Waijiao Pinglu 《外交評論》 (Foreign Affairs Review) (Beijing) 1st issue of 2010 (January 2010): 78-87.
- "Printing, Evangelism and Sinology: A Historical Appraisal of the Sinological Publications by Protestant Missionaries in Nineteenth Century South China." Journal of the History of Christianity in Modern China 8 (2008/2009): 47-64.
- 簡論駱克《香港殖民地展拓址報告書》(On the Lockhart Report) & 簡論理民府官 (On the District Officer). " In Liu Shuyong 劉蜀永 ed. Tansuo 《展拓界址:英治新界早期歷史探索》 The New Territory: the Early History of the British Rule in the New Territories). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2010, pp. 20-30 & 64-70.
- "Higher Education and Research Culture in Hong Kong: With Special Reference to Medical Education, Research and Professionalism, 1880s-1980s." Ricardo Mak ed. Transmitting the Ideal of Enlightenment: Chinese Universities since the Late Nineteenth Century. Lanham: University Press of America, 2009, pp. 83-108.
- "Missionary Wives of the London Missionary Society among the Chinese (1807-1877)." KIATS: Journal of the Korea Institute for Advanced Theological Studies 4:1 (Summer 2008): 25-50.
- "Institutional Changes, Research Culture and Professionalism: Development of Medical Sciences in Hong Kong in the 1980s." The Journal of Comparative Asian Development (Contemporary China Project, City University of Hong Kong) 7:2 (Fall 2008): 285-309.
- "Christian Schools as the Major Provider of Public Education in Hong Kong up to the 1920s; with Special Attention of the London Missionary Society." In Peter Chen-main Wang 王成勉 ed. Setting the Roots Right – Christian Education in China and Taiwan《將根紮好:基督宗教在華教育的檢討》. Taipei: Limin Publishing Company 黎明文化, 2007, pp. 485-527.
- "Local Voluntarism: The Medical Mission of the London Missionary Society in Hong Kong, 1842-1923." In David Hardiman ed. Healing Bodies, Saving Souls: Medical Missions in Asia and Africa. Clio Medica: The Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006, pp. 87-113.
- "An Interview with Jessie Gregory Lutz: Historian of Chinese Christianity." International Bulletin of Missionary Research (Overseas Ministries Study Centre, New Haven, USA) 30: 1(January 2006), pp. 38-41.
- "The Sinology of Ernest John Eitel" 歐德理的漢學研究. International Sinology《國際漢學》(Beijing) 14 (2006), 102-117. [in Chinese]
- "From Expansion to Repositioning: Recent Changes in Higher Education in Hong Kong." China: An International Journal (East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore and Singapore University Press) 2:1 (March 2004), pp. 150-166.
- "The Rendering of God in Chinese by the Chinese: Chinese Responses to the Term Question in the Wanguo Gongbao." In Michael Lackner & Natascha Vittinghoff eds. Mapping Meanings: The Field of New Learning in Late Qing China. Leiden: Brill, 2004, pp. 589-614.
- plus 20 book chapters & journal articles.
General Research Fund Projects (Research Grant Council)