Academic Staff

Prof. MAK, King Sang Ricardo
Adjunct Professor, Department of History
PhD University of Regensburg,
MPhil, BA (Hons) The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Modern Chinese and Western Intellectual Thoughts;
Western Historiography and Historical Theories;
Sino-Western Cultural Exchange;
Modern German History;
Sino-German Relations.
- (edited) with Adrian Bailey. Asia and China in the Global Era. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2021
- (edited) with Clara Ho and Yue-him Tam. Voyages, Migration and the Maritime Silk Road. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2018.
- (edited) with Ming Chan, Danny Paau and Chi Kin Au. Selected Essays on China, Asia and the World (Zhongguo, yazhou yu shijie: guoji yanshu xuanlun 中國, 亞洲與世界:國際研述選論). Hong Kong: City University Press, 2018.
- (edited) New Perspectives on Maritime Defense of Modern China (Zhongguo jindai haifangshi xinlun近代中國海防史新論). Hong Kong:Joint Publishing Co. Ltd., 2017.
- Chinese Martial Arts in Hong Kong (Zhige weiwu: zhonghua wushu zai xiangjiang 止戈 為武:中華武術在香江). Hong Kong: Commercial Publishing Co. Ltd., 2016.
- (edited) with Kam Keung Lee. A Collection of Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of the 1911 Revolution (Gonghe weixin: xinhai geming bainian jinian luwenji 共和維新:辛亥革命百年紀念論文集). Hong Kong: City University Press, 2013.
- (edited) with Iwan Michelangelo D'Aprile. Aufklärung-Evolution-Globalgeschichte. Hanover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2010.
- (edited) Transmitting the Ideal of Enlightenment Chinese Universities since the Late Nineteenth Century. Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., 2009.
- Plus eight other monographs and edited volumes and over sixty articles and reviews.