Academic Staff

Prof. CHOW, Kai Wing
Professor Emeritus, Department of History
PhD University of Hong Kong,
M Litt Hiroshima University,
Diploma Osaka University of Foreign Studies,
BA (Hons) The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
(852) 3411 7117
Modernization of East Asian Countries (China, Japan and Korea);
Sino-Japanese Relations;
Intellectual History of Modern China.
- The New Exploration on Mysterious Cases during Ming and Qing Dynasties: Testimony of Historians 明清疑案新探:史學家的證言 (Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2018).
- Hong Kong Journalism and Mass Communication 香港報刊與大眾傳播(Hong Kong: Cosmos Books Ltd., 2017).
- A General History of Hong Kong: Ancient Times 香港通史:遠古至清代 (Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Co., 2017).
- Ming-Qing Novels: Between History and Literature 明清小說:歷史與文學之間 (Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2016).
- Modern Japanese Culture and Thought 近代日本文化與思想 (New Edition) (Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2015; Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1994). 176 pp.
- Nine Decades of Solidarity: A History of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce 香港潮州商會九十年發展史 (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2012). 337 pp.
- Japanese Journalism in Modern China近代日人在華報業活動 (Changsha: Yuelu Publishing Company, 2012). 300 pp.
- Kaiming Shudian and the May Fourth New Cultural Trends in Modern China 開明書店與五四新文化 (Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, 2009). 268 pp.
- New Citizen and Revival: Major Themes in Modern Chinese Thought《新民與復興──近代中國思想論》(第二版). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 2008.
- Japanese Journalism in Modern China《近代日人在華報業活動》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co. Ltd., 2007.
- From Hanlin to Educator: Cai Yuanpei and His Career《從翰林到教育家──蔡元培及其事業》. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book (H.K.) Co. Ltd., 2007.
- Modern Japanese Culture and Thought《近代日本文化與思想》(第二版). Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1994; Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2006.
- Historical Essays: On Teaching and Learning《歷史絮語:教與學的文化情懷》. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2004.
- The Chinese Medical History Dictionary《中國醫學史辭典》. Hong Kong: Chung Wah Book Company, 2002.
- The Centenary History of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong《香港中華總商會百年史》. Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2002. (co-author)
- Historical Perspectives on Asia Pacific Studies《亞太史研究導論》. Hong Kong: Lee Man Publication, 1999.
- Interpreting the Changes from Ancient to Modern Times: On the Teaching of Chinese History《通古今之變──中國歷史教學綜論》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing, 1999.
- (Co-editor) Remains in Memories: Pictures of Hong Kong and Its People《戰後香港軌跡──民生苦樂》and Remains in Memories: Pictures of Hong Kong and Its Society《戰後香港軌跡──社會掠影》. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 1997.
- (Co-editor) Historiography in Contemporary Hong Kong《當代香港史學研究》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co. Ltd., 1994.
- Introduction to Chinese Historical Writings《中國歷代史學名著》. Taipei: Tang San Publishing Co., 1989; Hong Kong: Hong Kong Publishing Co., 1994.
- Plus thirty some articles.