Academic Staff
Prof. HO, Wing-chung Clara

Professor, Department of History

Head of Department (2014.9-2023.12)

On sabbatical leave (2024.1.15-2024.7.14)


PhD MPhil BA (Hons) University of Hong Kong.

FHKAH (since 2011)

RGC - Fulbright Scholar & Visiting Professor, Northeastern University (2012-13)

MDP, Harvard University (2017)

RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (2021-22)

Visiting Scholar, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University (2024)


(852) 3411 7183


Women and Children in Chinese History;
Engendering Imperial Chinese History;
Aging and the Elderly in Chinese History;
Eunuchs in Chinese History;
Traditional Chinese Historiography;

  • (ed.), Voyages, Migration, and the Maritime World: On China’s Global Historical Role. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018. (Co-editors: Ricardo K. S. Mak and Yue-him Tam).


  • (ed.), Collected Essays of To the Seas and Beyond: An International Conference on the History of the Maritime Silk Road 《海表方行:海上絲綢之路史國際學術研討會論文集》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of History, 2018. (Co-editors: Oiyan Liu, Thomas Marling, Ka-lai Chan, et. al.).


  • Talent Shines with Virtue: Chinese Women’s Efforts in Pursuing Scholarship and Educating Their Children《才德相輝:中國女性的治學與課子》. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd, 2015.


  • (ed.), Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women's History. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2012.


  • (ed.), A New Look at Chinese History through the Lens of Gender 《性別視野中的中國歷史新貌》. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, CASS, 2012.


  • (ed.), Windows on the Chinese World: Reflections by Five Historians. Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto and Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2009.


  • Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: The Qing Period, 1644-1911, edited with Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A.D. Stefanowska. New York and London: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 1998; Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1999. Chinese edition:《中國婦女傳記辭典(清代卷)》, Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2010.


  • Virtue, Talent, Beauty, and Power: Women in Ancient China《德.才.色.權──論中國古代女性》. Taipei: Rye Field Publishing Company, 1998.


  • Child-rearing in Ancient China《中國古代的育兒》. Beijing: Commercial Press International, 1997; Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1998.


  • Women and History: A Reappraisal of Traditional Chinese Views《女性與歷史──中國傳統觀念新探》. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co., 1993; Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Press, 1995.


  • - Plus 7 edited/co-edited books and eighty some articles/book chapters (for a selected list, see the Orcid page linked here).

  • 周偉洲編《中國當代歷史學學者辭典》(西安:西北大學出版社,1993),頁602。


  • Who’s Who in the World (New Jersey: Marquis Who’s Who LLC, since 2005).


  • Who’s Who in Asia (New Jersey: Marquis Who’s Who LLC, since 2006).


  • 〈前半生學記〉,載於謝玉娥編:《智慧的出場:當代人文女學者側影》(鄭州:河南大學出版社,2013年),頁496-506。


  • “Working on the History of Chinese Women: My Story,” in Rekha Pande (ed.), A Journey into Women’s Studies: Crossing Interdisciplinary Boundaries (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), pp. 194-211.
  • 2024.9.1-2027.8.31: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Counting Up and Counting Down: Approaches to Aging among Qing Writers)


  • 2022.1.1-2022.12.31: Awardee of RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship (Project Title: Getting Older, Doing Worse: Aging-provoked Unhappiness as Seen in Self-narratives of Qing China)


  • 2020.11.1-2023.10.31: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: The Joy and Frustration of Aging: Self-narratives of Men and Women in Qing China)


  • 2019, 2021 & 2022: PI, UGC Research Matching Grant (for various Sun Yat-sen research projects)


  • 2017.11.1-2019.10.31: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Same Couple, Second Wedding: A Study of China’s Chongfeng huazhu Custom from the Eighteenth Century to the Mid-twentieth Century)


  • 2015.10.1-2018.9.30: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Representation of Teaching Mothers in Paintings: A Study of Messages Embedded in the Kezi tu Production in Qing China)


  • 2014.9.1-present: PI, Sun Yat-sen Research Endowment Fund (donated by Dr Tan Siu Lin for various projects on Sun Yat-sen)


  • 2013.10.1-2015.9.30: PI, RGC General Research Fund (Project Title: Herstory: Historical Works by Women in Imperial China)


  • 2012.8.14-2013.6.14: Awardee of RGC-Fulbright Senior Research Award (Project Title: Herstory: Historical Works by Women in Imperial China)


  • 2006.5.15-2007.8.22: PI, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation of International Scholarly Exchange Conference Organization Grant (Project Title: An International Conference on the Sources for Chinese Women’s History)


  • Plus 14 internally funded projects (as PI)