Internship and Service-learning Opportunities


The Department strongly encourages students to seek for internship/ service-learning opportunities to better prepare themselves for the job market and to cultivate sense of civil responsibilities. 

Our students were granted internship opportunities by the following organizations in recent years:

  • Leisure and Cultural Services Department
  • Hong Kong City Hall
  • The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence
  • Walk in Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archives
  • Hong Kong Women Workers' Association
  • Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association Ltd.
  • Hong Kong Central Library
  • Greenpeace East Asia
  • World Vision Hong Kong
  • Kowloon Chamber of Commerce
  • Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited
  • Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF
  • The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe)
  • Beijing SDT Media Co., Ltd
  • National Library of China
  • etc


Selected sharing articles by students who participated in internship in recent years:


Newsletter Issue 21, Sept 2016

Newsletter Issue 11, Sept 2015

Newsletter Issue 9, May 2015


Service-learning Opportunities


Some of our courses incorporate service-learning elements and received service-learning grants:


Service-Learning Courses:

Department Course Code/Title

GCAP3016 Historic Landmarks, Heritage and Community

Self Photos / Files - GCAP3016_HistoricLandmarks

Dr. Fan, Dr. Chen and Dr. Law | Good Teaching Practices in GE at HKBU video

History GFHC1046 An Introduction to Gender, Class and Race
History HIST3106 Current Issues in Hong Kong and China
History, Language Centre

GCAP3006 Implementation of Service-Learning Engagement through Chinese Story Telling and Writing

Self Photos / Files - GCAP3006_ChineseStoryTelling

GCAP3006 《歲月留情——香港老故事書寫》E-Book


Service-Learning Mini-Grants:

Academic Year/Semester Dr. Fong-fong CHEN Dr. Kam-chau KWOK

 Sem1, 2018/19


HIST3106 Current Issue in Hong Kong and China

Sem 2, 2018/19


HIST4145 Historical Anthropology

Sem 2, 2019/20


HIST3106 Current Issue in Hong Kong and China

Sem 1, 2020/21

GFHC1046 Introduction to Gender, Class, and Race

HIST3106 Current Issue in Hong Kong and China

Sem 2, 2020/21

GFHC1046 Introduction to Gender, Class, and Race


Sem 2, 2021/22


HIST3106 Current Issue in Hong Kong and China

Sem 2, 2022/23


HIST3106 Current Issue in Hong Kong and China


Students-as-Partners Scheme:

Academic Year/Semester Dr. Fong-fong CHEN Dr. Kam-chau KWOK

Sem 2, 2020/21

GTSC2046 The Press and Public Opinion in China: Past, Present, and Future

GFHC1055 Global China in the Modern Age

Sem 1, 2021/22

GTCU2056 Adventures, Treasures, and Archaeology in China GFHC1055 Global China in the Modern Age


Further information can be obtained from the websites of:

Office of Student Affairs

Faculty of Social Sciences

Centre for Innovative Service-Learning