
Sharing Essays


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Sharing by Old Friends: Prof. Wing-chung NG, Visiting Fulbright Scholar, 2012-2013, Current Affiliation: Department of History, College of Liberal and Fine Art s, University of Texas, San Antonio 老朋友分享:伍榮仲教授,2012-2013年,富布賴特訪問學者,現職:德州大學聖安東尼奧分校自由與美術學院歷史系

Wing-chung NG 伍榮仲 Friends 3 2014.11

Sharing by Alumni: Dr. Michael Wing-hin KAM, BA (Hons), 2002, MSSc, HKBU, 2006, PhD, University of Queensland, 2012, Current Position: Lecturer and Course Coordinator, College of International Education, HKBU 校友分享:甘穎軒博士,2002年文學士(榮譽),2006年香港浸會大學理學碩士,2012年昆士蘭大學哲學博士,現職:香港浸會大學國際學院講師及課程統籌

Michael Wing-hin KAM 甘穎軒 Alumni 3 2014.11

Sharing by Alumni: Dr. Benny Yiu-chung WONG, BSSc (Hons), 2005, MPhil, HKBU, 2008, PhD, HKBU, 2012, Current Position: Lecturer, Division of Communication & Social Sciences, Hong Kong Community College 校友分享:黃耀忠博士,2005年社會科學學士(榮譽),2008年香港浸會大學哲學碩士,2012年香港浸會大學哲學博士,現職:香港專上學院傳理及社會科學學部講師

Benny Yiu-chung WONG 黃耀忠 Alumni 3 2014.11

Sharing by Faculty: Prof. Kam-keung LEE 老師分享:李金強教授

Kam-keung LEE 李金強 Faculty Members 2 2014.10

Sharing by Faculty: Dr. Wing-chung FAN 老師分享:范永聰博士

Wing-chung FAN 范永聰 Faculty Members 2 2014.10

Sharing by Students: Kam-ping FONG, BA (Hons), 2012, MPhil Candidate, HKBU , 2012-present 學生分享:方金平,2012年文學士(榮譽),2012年至今為香港浸會大學哲學碩士候選人

Kam-ping FONG 方金平 Students 2 2014.10

Sharing by Students: Hei-yin CHEUNG, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:張晞然,歷史學文學士(榮譽)四年級生

Hei-yin CHEUNG 張晞然 Students 2 2014.10

Sharing by Students: Kwan-tai YEUNG, BSSc (Hons) in China Studiees-History Option, Year 4 學生分享:楊鯤泰,中國研究社會科學學士(榮譽)—歷史專業四年級生

Kwan-tai YEUNG 楊鯤泰 Students 2 2014.10

Sharing by Old Friends: Prof. Dong-fang WANG, Visiting scholar from February to May 2001, title before retirement: Researcher, Institute of History, Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences 老朋友分享:王冬芳教授,2001年2-5月訪問學人,退休前職銜:遼寧社會科學院歷史研究所研究員

Dong-fang WANG 王冬芳 Friends 2 2014.10

Sharing by Old Friends: Prof. Li-bin ZHAO, Visiting scholar from October 2002 to June 2003, current position: Professor of the History Department of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, Deputy Director of the Sun Yat-sen Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, Vice President of the Chinese Oral History Society, and Director of the Sun Yat-sen Foundation 老朋友分享:趙立彬教授,2002年10月-2003年6月訪問學人,現職:廣州中山大學歷史系教授丶中山大學孫中山研究所副所長、中華口述歷史學會副會長、孫中山基金會理事

Li-bin ZHAO 趙立彬 Friends 2 2014.10