
Sharing Essays


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Sharing by Faculty: Dr. Kin-sum Sammy LI 老師分享:李建深博士

Kin-sum Sammy LI 李建深 Faculty Members 11 2015.09

Sharing by Students: Gary Siu-ting YEUNG, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:楊紹廷,歷史學文學士(榮譽)四年級生

Gary Siu-ting YEUNG 楊紹廷 Students 11 2015.09

Sharing by Students: Hin LAM, BA (Hons) in History and BEd (Hons) in Liberal Studies Teaching, Year 3, President of the 9th Student Society, Department of Education Studies (EduCare) 學生分享:林軒,歷史學文學士(榮譽)及通識教育學士(榮譽)三年級生,第九届教育學系學生會主席

Hin LAM 林軒 Students 11 2015.09

Sharing by Students: Chun-mei TAN, BA (Hons) in History, Year 3, Participated in an internship programme at the Department of History of HKBU as a UGSRP Assistant 學生分享:譚春梅,歷史學文學士(榮譽)三年級生,香港浸會大學歷史系本科生暑期研究計劃成員

Chun-mei TAN 譚春梅 Students 11 2015.09

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Yu-lim TONG, BA (Hons), 2013, MA Candidate at SOAS, University of London 老朋友和校友分享:唐宇廉先生,2013年文學士(榮譽),倫敦大學亞非學院文學哲學碩士候選人

Yu-lim TONG 唐宇廉 Alumni 11 2015.09

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Kin-fat CHAN, BA (Hons), 2014, MA Candidate in Comparative and Public History, CUHK 老朋友和校友分享:陳健發先生,2014年文學士(榮譽),香港中文大學比較與公共歷史系文學文學碩士候選人

Kin-fat CHAN 陳健發 Alumni 11 2015.09

Sharing by Faculty: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO 老師分享:劉詠聰教授

Clara Wing-chung HO 劉詠聰 Students 10 2015.06

Sharing by Students: Man-hing LI, BA (Hons) in History, Year 2, Academic Officer of the 37th Cabinet of the History Society 學生分享:李文馨,歷史學文學士(榮譽)二年級生,第三十七届歷史學會學術主任

Man-hing LI 李文馨 Students 10 2015.06

Sharing by Students: Lok-wun CHAN, BSSc (Hons) in China Studies-History, Year 3 學生分享:陳樂媛,中國研究社會科學學士(榮譽)—歷史專業三年級生

Lok-wun CHAN 陳樂媛 Students 10 2015.06

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Yip-ting LAI, BA (Hons), 2011, Current Position: Senior Project Assistant, Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies, HKBU 老朋友和校友分享:賴曄婷小姐,2011年文學士(榮譽),現職:香港浸會大學當代中國高級研究院高級研究項目助理

Yip-ting LAI 賴曄婷 Alumni 10 2015.06