
Sharing Essays


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Sharing by Class of 2010-10th Anniversary of Graduation: Miss Katie Sze-lok YIP, BA (Hons) in History, 2010 2010届畢業生十週年分享:葉詩洛小姐,2010年歷史學文學士(榮譽)

Katie Sze-lok YIP 葉詩洛 Alumni 60 2020.06

Sharing by Members: Dr. Jatinder MANN 成員分享:萬澤德博士

Jatinder MANN 萬澤德 Faculty Members 59 2020.05

Sharing by Members: Dr. Zhi-hui LIN 成員分享:林稚暉博士

Zhi-hui LIN 林稚暉 Alumni 59 2020.05

Sharing by Students: King-yuen WONG, BA (Hons) in History, Year 3 學生分享:黃敬源, 歷史學文學士(榮譽)三年級生

King-yuen WONG 黃敬源 Students 59 2020.05

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Reed Han-wei LI, BA (Hons) in History, 2011 老朋友與校友分享:李寒葦小姐,2011年歷史學文學士(榮譽)

Reed Han-wei LI 李寒葦 Alumni 59 2020.05

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Hoi-ching LEUNG, BA (Hons) in History, 2018 老朋友與校友分享:梁凱晴小姐,2018年歷史學文學士(榮譽)

Hoi-ching LEUNG 梁凱晴 Alumni 59 2020.05

Sharing by Members: All Faculty Members 成員分享:全體成員

All Faculty Members 全體成員 Faculty Members 58 2020.04

Sharing by Students: Hoi-lam CHAI, BA (Hons) in History, Year 3 學生分享:蔡凱琳,歷史學文學士(榮譽)三年級生

Hoi-lam CHAI 蔡凱琳 Students 58 2020.04

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Vincent Kwun-leung LEE, BA (Hons) in Visual Arts (Minor in History), 2009, MSSc, Contemporary China Studies, History and Culture, 2011 老朋友和校友分享:李冠良先生,2009年視覺藝術文學士(榮譽)(副修歷史),2011年社會科學碩士(當代中國研究)—歷史與文化專業

Vincent Kwun-leung LEE 李冠良 Alumni 58 2020.04

Sharing by Members: Prof. Cindy Yik-yi CHU 成員分享:朱益宜教授

Cindy Yik-yi CHU 朱益宜 Faculty Members 57 2020.03