
Sharing Essays


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Shek-ho NG, BA (Hons) in History, 2020 老朋友和校友分享:吳碩豪先生,2020年歷史系文學士(榮譽)

Shek-ho NG 吳碩豪 Alumni 91 2023.09

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Cheuk-chi Cecilia CHUNG, Digital Initiatives and Research Cluster, Hong Kong Baptist University Library 老朋友和校友分享:鍾卓芝小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館數碼創新及研究部

Cheuk-chi Cecilia CHUNG 鍾卓芝 Library Staff 91 2023.09

Sharing by Members: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO 成員分享:劉詠聰教授

Clara Wing-chung Ho 劉詠聰 Faculty Members 90 2023.06

Sharing by Members: Dr. David SCHLEY 成員分享:帥德威博士

David SCHLEY 帥德威 Faculty Members 90 2023.06

Sharing by Members: Dr. Oi-yan LIU 成員分享:廖藹欣博士

Oi-yan LIU 廖藹欣 Former Colleagues 90 2023.06

Sharing by Student: Man-hin KAN, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:簡文軒,歷史系文學士(榮譽)四年級生

Man-hin KAN 簡文軒 Students 90 2023.06

Sharing by Student: Yi-ling WONG, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:汪意玲,歷史系文學士(榮譽)四年級生

Yi-ling WONG 汪意玲 Students 90 2023.06

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Michelle Yan-yue CHAN, Executive Assistant of the History Department, 2017-2022, PR & Communication Officer, School of Continuing Education, HKBU 老朋友和校友分享:陳欣瑜小姐,歷史系行政助理(2017-2022),香港浸會大學持續教育學院公關及傳訊主任

Michelle Yan-yue CHAN 陳欣瑜 Library Staff 90 2023.06

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Wan-yu WONG, Assistant Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, HKBU Library 老朋友和校友分享:黃韞瑜小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館特藏及文獻組助理館長

Wan-yu WONG 黃韞瑜 Library Staff 90 2023.06

Members' Activities: Media Coverage 成員活動:媒體報道

Samuel Ching KUO 古靖 Staff 89 2023.05