
Sharing Essays


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Sharing by Members: Dr. Chi-man KWONG 成員分享:鄺智文博士

Chi-man KWONG 鄺智文 Faculty Members 76 2022.02

Sharing by Students: Sin-yu HO, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:何善瑜,歷史學文學士(榮譽)四年級生

Sin-yu HO 何善瑜 Students 76 2022.02

Sharing by Students: Wai-lai OR, BA (Hons) in History, Year 4 學生分享:柯煒麗,歷史學文學士(榮譽)四年級生

Wai-lai OR 柯煒麗 Students 76 2022.02

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Kwok-fan CHENG, BSSc (Hons) in China Studies - History Concentration and BEd (hons) in Education - Liberal Studies Teaching (2+2), 2014 老朋友和校友分享:鄭幗芬小姐,中國研究社會科學學士(榮譽)—歷史專業及通識教育學士(榮譽)(2+2)

Kwok-fan CHENG 鄭幗芬 Alumni 76 2022.02

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Miss Wan-yu WONG, Assistant Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, Hong Kong Baptist University 老朋友和校友分享:黃韞瑜小姐,香港浸會大學圖書館特藏及文獻組助理館長

Wan-yu WONG 黃韞瑜 Library Staff 76 2022.02

Message from the Acting Head of Department 署理系主任的話

Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG 鍾寶賢 Faculty Members 75 2022.01

Sharing by Members: Miss Cecilia Chuek-chi CHUNG, Members from the Support Team to the History Gallery Funded Directly by the Job Creation Scheme of the Anti-epidemic Fund 2.0, HKSAR 成員分享:鍾卓芝小姐,香港特別行政區抗疫基金2.0創造就業計畫資助的香港浸會大學歷史廊支援團隊成員

Cheuk-chi Cecilia CHUNG 鍾卓芝 Staff 75 2022.01

Sharing by Members: Miss Jenna Yee-tung YIU, Members from the Support Team to the History Gallery Funded Directly by the Job Creation Scheme of the Anti-epidemic Fund 2.0, HKSAR 成員分享:姚依彤小姐,香港特別行政區抗疫基金2.0創造就業計畫資助的香港浸會大學歷史廊支援團隊成員

Jenna Yee-tung YIU 姚依彤 Staff 75 2022.01

Sharing by Students: Hoi-sum CHEUNG, BSSc (Hons) in China Studies-History Concentration, Year 3 學生分享:鄭開心,中國研究社會科學學士(榮譽)—歷史專業三年級生

Hoi-sum CHEUNG 鄭開心 Students 75 2022.01

Sharing by Old Friends and Alumni: Mr. Jeffrey FUNG, BA (Hons) in History, 2020, Master in Management, CUHK, 2021, Current Position: Associate, Business Consulting, Ernst & Young 老朋友和校友分享:馮鈞彥先生,2020年歷史學文學士(榮譽),2021年香港中文大學管理碩士,現職:安永會計師事務所商業諮詢助理

Jeffrey FUNG 馮鈞彥 Alumni 75 2022.01