
Guest Visits


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Guest Visit: Dr. Chi-kin AU, Associate Professor, Hong Kong Shue Yan University; Prof. Yujiro MURATA, Professor, Department of Area Studies, the University of Tokyo; Prof. Mariko TANIGAKI, Professor, Department of Area Studies, the University of Tokyo; Prof. Motoya NAKAMURA, Professor, Department of International and Cultural Studies, Tsuda University; Jie NI, PhD Student, Department of Area Studies, the University of Tokyo; Lina YUAN, Department of Area Studies, the University of Tokyo (2018.3.12) 來客訪問:區志堅博士,香港樹仁大學歷史學系副教授;村田雄二郎教授,東京大學綜合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻教授;谷垣真理子教授,東京大學綜合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻教授;中村元哉教授,津田塾大學國際關係學科教授;倪捷,東京大學綜合文化研究科地域文化研究専攻博士;Lina YUAN,東京大學綜合文化研究科(2018.3.12)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Prof. Yujiro MURATA; Prof. Mariko TANIGAKI; Prof. Motoya NAKAMURA; Jie NI; Lina YUAN 37 2018.03

Guest Visit: Institute of Qing History, Renmin University of China (2018.1.25) 中國人民大學請史研究所代表團訪問歴史系(2018.1.25)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Institute of Qing History, Renmin University of China 35 2018.01

Guest Visit: Prof. Siao-chen HU, Director of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan 來客訪問:胡曉真教授,台灣中央研究院中國文哲研究所長

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Prof. Siao-chen HU 33 2017.11

Former Colleague Prof. Joseph K.S. Yick Visited the Department (2017.6.27) 前任老師易港生教授到訪(2017.6.27)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Prof. Joseph K.S. Yick 30 2017.06

Guest Visit: Prof. Benjamin A. ELMAN, Gordon Wu '58 Professor of Chinese Studies, Professor of East Asian Studies and History, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University 來客訪問:艾爾曼教授,普林斯頓大學東亞研究系胡應湘'58中國研究講座教授及東亞研究與歷史教授

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Prof. Benjamin A. ELMAN 27 2017.03

Three Guest Speaker from HSBC Visited the Class of HIST 1405 (2016.11.11) 匯豐銀行三位演講嘉賓訪問HIST 1405(2016.11.11)

Chi-man KWONG 鄺智文 Thomas WARREN; Garfield LAM; Florence LO 24 2016.12

Guest Visit: Ms. Sulia CHAN, Donor of the Prof. Chen Yanhang Memorial Scholarship (2016.12.12) 來客訪問:林翠玉女士,陳延杭教授紀念獎學金捐贈者(2016.12.12)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Sulia Chui-yu LIN 24 2016.12

HKBU History Gallery Docent Tour Led by Prof. Kai-wing CHOW (2016.11.21) 周佳榮教授帶領香港浸信會導賞團參觀歷史廊(2016.11.21)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Hong Kong Baptist Church 23 2016.11

Guest Visits: Prof. Ka-che YIP, Professor Emeritus, Department of History, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 來客訪問:葉嘉熾教授,馬里蘭大學巴爾的摩分校歷史系榮休教授

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Prof. Ka-che YIP 22 2016.10

Guest Visit: Prof. Shuang-huai HUANG, Professor, School of History and Civilization, Shaanxi Normal University, Visiting Scholar of the History Department in AY 1998-99 來客訪問:王雙懷教授,1998-99學年本系訪問學者,陝西師範大學歷史文化學院教授

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Prof. Shuang-hai HUANG 21 2016.09