
Student Awards


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Honor Roll 榮譽榜

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Scholarship and Awards Recipients 18 2016.04

Latest Award Recipents 最新獲獎名單

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Scholarship and Awards Recipients 15 2016.01

Social Sciences Undergraduate Scholarships 2015-16 2015-16學年社會科學院獎學金

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Other Internal Scholarship and Awards 14 2015.12

Social Sciences Undergraduate Scholarships 2015-16 2015-16學年社會科學院獎學金

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Other Internal Scholarship and Awards 13 2015.11

Scholastic Awards 學術獎項

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 History Department Scholarships and Awards 12 2015.10

MCCS Academic Prizes 社會科學碩士學術獎項

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Other Internal Scholarship and Awards 12 2015.10

Scholarship Announcements 獎學金公告

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 History Department Scholarships and Awards 10 2015.06

New Scholarship 新設獎學金

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Establishment of New Scholarships and Awards 8 2015.04

History Students as CY Tung Scholarship Holders Highlighted in SOSC Bulletin 社會科學院公告提及歷史系學生作為董浩雲獎學金得主

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 External Scholarships and Awards 8 2015.04

Professor Chen Yanhang Memorial Scholarship Application Form (Deadline: 2015.5.29) 陳延杭教授紀念獎學金申請表格(2015.5.29截止)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 History Department Scholarships and Awards 8 2015.04