
Research Activities


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Chinese Wartime Science through the Lens of Joseph Needham Exhibition and Public Lecture (2018.1.22) 李約瑟鏡頭下的中國戰時科學展覽暨公開講座(2018.1.22)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Exhibitions 35 2018.01

Chinese Wartime Science through the Lens of Joseph Needham Exhibition (2018.1.22-2.23) 李約瑟鏡頭下的中國戰時科學展覽(2018.1.22-2.23)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Exhibitions 35 2018.01

A Public Lecture on "Yijing and Yijing Commentaries" by Prof. Tsz-ki HON (2018.3.13) 公開講座:《《易經》與易學》,講者:韓子奇教授(2018.3.13)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Lectures 35 2018.01

Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2017-18: ''Becoming Eurasian: The Establishment of The Welfare League and Eurasian Identity in Inter-war Hong Kong" by Prof. Emma J. TENG(2018.4.10) 2017-2018年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座系列—成為歐亞混血兒:兩次世界大戰期間香港的福利聯盟與歐亞身份的建立,講者:鄧津華教授(2018.4.10)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Chang Lectures 35 2018.01
Text, Artifact and Context: A Workshop on Cultural Practices in Early China (2017.12.13) 文本、遺物、場景:古代中國文化工作坊(2017.12.13)
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Workshops 34 2017.12

Book Launch of New Publication "Oral Teaching and Heartfelt Inspiration: Professionalism in Hong Kong" (2017.12.2) 口傳.心授:香港專業精神新書發佈會(2017.12.2)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Book Launches 34 2017.12

MHRC Lecture Series on Public History (1): YP 1967 (2017.12.9) 近代史研究中心公衆歷史系列講座(一):YP1967播放分享會(2017.12.9)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Lectures 34 2017.12

Members' Activities: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Professor and Head of Department 成員活動:劉詠聰教授(系主任及教授)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Exhibitions 34 2017.12

Chinese Wartime Science through the Lens of Joseph Needham Exhibition and Public Lecture (2018.1.22) 李約瑟鏡頭下的中國戰時科學展覽暨公開講座(2018.1.22)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Exhibitions 34 2017.12

Prof. William C KIRBY Shares Insights on the Prospects for Chinese Leadership in the 21st Century at HKBU Distinguished Lecture (2017.11.14) 柯偉林教授香港浸會大學演講探討二十一世紀中國的領導地位(2017.11.14)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Lectures 33 2017.11