
Research Activities


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Chang Lectures
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RPg Forum
Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Digital Technology x Oral History: the Legend of Shek Pik (2024.4.19) 數碼科技 x 口述歷史:石壁的傳奇 (2024.4.19)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Seminars 98 2024.04

Challenging National Narratives: Unveiling Hidden Memories in 20th Century China and Hong Kong (2024.4.15, 17, 18) 挑戰國家敘事:揭示20世紀中國和香港的隱藏記憶 (2024.4.15, 17, 18)

See-kai FAN 范思啓 Others 98 2024.04

MHRC Lectures on History of Religion in Hong Kong (15) The Clash between Hong Kong Colonial Government and German Missionary Societies (2024.4.15) 香港宗教史系列講座(15)一戰對決:香港殖民地政府與德國傳道會 (2024.4.15)

Alicia Ha Thu Oanh LE 黎河秋鶯 Lectures 98 2024.04

Digital Scholarship Sharing Session - 3D Modelling for Teaching and Research at HKBU (2024.4.12) 數碼學術分享會 - 於浸大利用3D建模作教學及研究 (2024.4.12)

Siu-ngan CHAN 陳少顔 Others 98 2024.04

Postgraduate Research Forum (2024.4.11) 2024年研究生研究論壇 (2024.4.11)

Alicia Ha Thu Oanh LE 黎河秋鶯 RPg Forum 98 2024.04

Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2023-24: “The Master and His Students and What Early Chinese Tradition Thought About Them”by Prof. Has van Ess (2024.4.19) 2023-2024年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:大師和他的學生以及早期中國傳統對他們的看法,講者:Hans van Ess教授 (2024.4.19)

Siu-ngan CHAN 陳少顔 Chang Lectures 98 2024.04

Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2023-24: "Capturing Prestige: Human Trafficking in Tsushima Maritime Borderlands, c.1350-1600" by Prof. Peter SHAPINSKY (2024.3.12) 2023-2024年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:贏得聲望:1350 - 1600年間對馬海上邊境地區的人口販運,講者:Peter SHAPINSKY 教授(2024.3.12)

Alicia Ha Thu Oanh LE; Siu-ngan CHAN 黎河秋鶯;陳少顔 Chang Lectures 97 2024.03

Research Student Seminars (2024.2.22) 研究生講論會(2024.2.22)

Alicia Ha Thu Oanh LE 黎河秋鶯 Seminars 97 2024.03

A Public Lecture - Steppe Styles in Early Imperial China by Dr. Raphael WONG (2024.2.26) 公開講座:《中國早期的草原風格》,講者:黃煒均博士(2024.2.26)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Lectures 97 2024.03

HKBU International Symposium on Humanities, Societies and Digital Futures co-organized by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences (2024.3.21-22) 文學院及社會科學院合辦香港浸會大學人文、社會與數字未來國際研討會 (2024.3.21-22)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Symposiums 97 2024.03