Book Launch - The Catholic Church, The Bible, and Evangelization in China (Christianity in Modern China) 新書發佈會—天主教會、聖經與中國的福音傳播(現代中國的基督教) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Book Launches |
71 |
2021.09 |
Historians Say: A Seminar Series for Newly-appointed Academic / Teaching Staff and Visiting Scholars (2021.11.25) 史家曰:新任教學人員及訪問學者報告系列(2021.11.25) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Historians Say |
71 |
2021.09 |
A Public Lecture on "From History, Social History, to Historical Anthropology by Prof. David FAURE" (2021.11.26) 公開講座:《從歷史、社會史到歷史人類學》,講者:科大衛教授(2021.11.26) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Lectures |
71 |
2021.09 |
Featuring Dr. Chi-man KWONG on HKBU R & D Licensing Limited Website 香港浸會大學浸大科研發展有限公司網站報道鄺志文博士 |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Others |
70 |
2021.06 |
Newly Launched Website on Sun Yat Sen Research 孫中山研究計劃網站正式啓用 |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Exhibitions |
70 |
2021.06 |
Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2020-21: ''Postcolonialism, Race, and immigration Regulation in Singapore and the United States" by Prof. Madeline Y. HSU (2021.4.13) 2021-2021年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:後殖民主義、種族和移民規制在新加坡和美國,講者:徐元音教授(2021.4.13) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Chang Lectures |
68 |
2021.04 |
Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2020-21: "Chinese Migration to the South Seas: A Comparison between Fujianese and Cantonese Migrants" by Prof. Guo-tu ZHUANG (2021.4.16) 2021-2021年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:中國人下南洋—福建與廣東的異同,講者:莊國土教授(2021.4.13) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Chang Lectures |
68 |
2021.04 |
Symposium: New Perspectives on the Railway and Urban History (2021.4.27) 研討會:鐵路與城市歷史的新視野(2021.4.27) |
David SCHLEY 帥德威 |
Symposiums |
68 |
2021.04 |
2021 Postgraduate Research Forum-PhD Students (2021.4.29) 2021年研究生(哲學博士生)研究論壇(2021.4.29) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
RPg Forum |
68 |
2021.04 |
Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2020-21: ''From bronze-casting to iron-casting: Symbols and Supports of the Unification of Diverse Chinese Cultures" by Prof. Hai-wang LIU (2021.3.23) 2021-2021年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:從冶銅到冶鐵:中華文明多元一體形成的標誌和支撐,講者:劉海旺院長(2021.3.23) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Chang Lectures |
67 |
2021.03 |