
Research Activities


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2023-24: "Capturing Prestige: Human Trafficking in Tsushima Maritime Borderlands, c.1350-1600" by Prof. Peter SHAPINSKY (2024.3.12) 2023-2024年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:贏得聲望:1350 - 1600年間對馬海上邊境地區的人口販運,講者:Peter SHAPINSKY 教授(2024.3.12)

Alicia Ha Thu Oanh LE; Siu-ngan CHAN 黎河秋鶯;陳少顔 Chang Lectures 97 2024.03

Research Student Seminars (2024.2.22) 研究生講論會(2024.2.22)

Alicia Ha Thu Oanh LE 黎河秋鶯 Seminars 97 2024.03

A Public Lecture - Steppe Styles in Early Imperial China by Dr. Raphael WONG (2024.2.26) 公開講座:《中國早期的草原風格》,講者:黃煒均博士(2024.2.26)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Lectures 97 2024.03

HKBU International Symposium on Humanities, Societies and Digital Futures co-organized by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences (2024.3.21-22) 文學院及社會科學院合辦香港浸會大學人文、社會與數字未來國際研討會 (2024.3.21-22)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Symposiums 97 2024.03

Seminar: Digital Technology x Oral History: The Legend of Shek Pik (2024.4.19) 研討會:數碼科技x口述歷史:石壁傳奇(2024.4.19)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Seminars 97 2024.03

Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2023-24 “The master and his students and what early Chinese tradition thought about them” by Prof. Hans van Ess (2024.4.19) 2023-2024年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:大師和他的學生以及早期中國傳統對他們的看法,講者:Hans van Ess教授 (2024.4.19)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Chang Lectures 97 2024.03

Dr. Sauthoff Joins Scholars at ISF Workshop on Maritime Silk Roads (2024.1.26) 司徒雛菊博士與學者一起參加ISF海上絲綢之路研討會(2024.1.26)

Patricia SAUTHOFF 司徒雛菊 Workshops 96 2024.02

What kinds of history can be digitalized? Bronze bells and other Bronzes from ancient China (2024.2.1) 甚麼歷史可以數字化﹖古代中國的銅鐘與其它銅器(2024.2.1)

Siu-ngan CHAN 陳少顔 Lectures 96 2024.02

Prof. Chang Chuen Memorial Public Lecture Series 2023-24: "Capturing Prestige: Human Trafficking in Tsushima Maritime Borderlands, c.1350-1600" by Prof. Peter SHAPINSKY (2024.3.12) 2023-2024年度章群教授紀念公開學術講座:贏得聲望:1350 - 1600年間對馬海上邊境地區的人口販運,講者:Peter SHAPINSKY 教授(2024.3.12)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Chang Lectures 96 2024.02

HKBU International Symposium on Humanities, Societies and Digital Futures co-organized by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences (2024.3.21-22) 文學院及社會科學院合辦香港浸會大學人文、社會與數字未來國際研討會 (2024.3.21-22)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Symposiums 96 2024.02