Kahoot Game-Result Kahoot 遊戲-結果 |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Others |
45 |
2019.01 |
SOSC Major Application Briefing and Consultation (2019.1.25) 社會科學院大類收生學生主修課程申請簡介會和諮詢會(2019.1.25) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Information Sessions |
45 |
2019.01 |
New Year Gathering cum Farewell in Honor of Dr. Ka-lai CHAN & Dr. Kelvin Yu-hin HO (2018.12.28) 新年聚會暨陳嘉禮博士及何宇軒博士告別聚會(2018.12.28) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Gathering |
45 |
2019.01 |
Appointments and Departures 任命及離職 |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Staffing |
45 |
2019.01 |
Homecoming Evening in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Department of History (2018.12.1) 歷史系40周年誌慶校友之夜(2018.12.1) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Anniversary |
44 |
2018.12 |
Kahoot Game-How well do you know the History Department? 有獎問答遊戲-你了解歷史系嗎? |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Others |
44 |
2018.12 |
Reunion with Former Faculty Members (2018.11.30) 與前成員重聚 (2018.11.30) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Gathering |
44 |
2018.12 |
Peer Mentoring Program Debriefing (2018.12.21) 朋輩輔導計劃簡介會(2018.12.21) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Peer Mentoring Program |
44 |
2018.12 |
End of the year Gathering (2018.12.28) 年終聚會(2018.12.28) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Gathering |
44 |
2018.12 |
A Farewell Lunch with Dr. Tian-hong ZHANG (2018.11.29) 與張天虹博士共進告別午餐 (2018.11.29) |
Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 |
Gathering |
44 |
2018.12 |