
Departmental Events


Title Author / Editor Sub-categories Issue No. Publication Date

Welcome on Board, Dr. Ortmann! 歡迎履新:奧特曼博士

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Staffing 61 2020.09

Duty Roster 2020-21 2020-21年值勤表

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Staffing 61 2020.09

New Look of AAB 1131A-E and Newly Designed Wall Stickers AAB 1131A-E全新牆貼煥然一新

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Others 60 2020.06

Appointments and Departures 任命與離職

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Staffing 60 2020.06

Goodbye and Thank you, Dr. Lin 再會及謝謝你,林博士

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Staffing 60 2020.06

History Department Annual Assembly 2020 cum 2020-21 Academic Advising Session (Tentative: 2020.9.11) 2020年歷史系周年集會暨2020-21年學術輔導會(暫定2021.9.9)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Annual Assemblies 60 2020.06

Dr. Chi-man KWONG and Dr. Ki-sum Sammy Li Promoted to Associate Professor (Effective from 2020.9.1) 鄺智文博士及李建深博士榮陞為副教授(2020.9.1生效)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Staffing 59 2020.05

2021 Honours Project Briefing and Library Workshop via Zoom (2020.5.29) 2021年級畢業論文簡介會及圖書館工作坊(ZOOM)(2020.5.29)

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Honor Projects Briefings 59 2020.05

2019.20 Faculty-Student Consultative Questionnaire-Your Comments are Welcome! 2019-20學年師生協商問卷-歡迎您提出寶貴意見!

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Faculty-Student Consultative Meetings 59 2020.05

AAB 1131 Renovation Update AAB 1131 裝修更新

Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學歷史系 Others 59 2020.05